//********************** Start media query polyfill support /*! Respond.js v1.4.2: min/max-width media query polyfill * Copyright 2013 Scott Jehl * Licensed under https://github.com/scottjehl/Respond/blob/master/LICENSE-MIT * */ /* I removed the version of matchMedia that was here since it didn't support * addListener (and the version of mediaMatch that comes with Respond that does * provide addListener doesn't support IE8 */ (function(a){"use strict";function b(){u(!0)}var c={};a.respond=c,c.update=function(){};var d=[],e=function(){var b=!1;try{b=new a.XMLHttpRequest}catch(c){b=new a.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}return function(){return b}}(),f=function(a,b){var c=e();c&&(c.open("GET",a,!0),c.onreadystatechange=function(){4!==c.readyState||200!==c.status&&304!==c.status||b(c.responseText)},4!==c.readyState&&c.send(null))};if(c.ajax=f,c.queue=d,c.regex={media:/@media[^\{]+\{([^\{\}]*\{[^\}\{]*\})+/gi,keyframes:/@(?:\-(?:o|moz|webkit)\-)?keyframes[^\{]+\{(?:[^\{\}]*\{[^\}\{]*\})+[^\}]*\}/gi,urls:/(url\()['"]?([^\/\)'"][^:\)'"]+)['"]?(\))/g,findStyles:/@media *([^\{]+)\{([\S\s]+?)$/,only:/(only\s+)?([a-zA-Z]+)\s?/,minw:/\([\s]*min\-width\s*:[\s]*([\s]*[0-9\.]+)(px|em)[\s]*\)/,maxw:/\([\s]*max\-width\s*:[\s]*([\s]*[0-9\.]+)(px|em)[\s]*\)/},c.mediaQueriesSupported=a.matchMedia&&null!==a.matchMedia("only all")&&a.matchMedia("only all").matches,!c.mediaQueriesSupported){var g,h,i,j=a.document,k=j.documentElement,l=[],m=[],n=[],o={},p=30,q=j.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]||k,r=j.getElementsByTagName("base")[0],s=q.getElementsByTagName("link"),t=function(){var a,b=j.createElement("div"),c=j.body,d=k.style.fontSize,e=c&&c.style.fontSize,f=!1;return b.style.cssText="position:absolute;font-size:1em;width:1em",c||(c=f=j.createElement("body"),c.style.background="none"),k.style.fontSize="100%",c.style.fontSize="100%",c.appendChild(b),f&&k.insertBefore(c,k.firstChild),a=b.offsetWidth,f?k.removeChild(c):c.removeChild(b),k.style.fontSize=d,e&&(c.style.fontSize=e),a=i=parseFloat(a)},u=function(b){var c="clientWidth",d=k[c],e="CSS1Compat"===j.compatMode&&d||j.body[c]||d,f={},o=s[s.length-1],r=(new Date).getTime();if(b&&g&&p>r-g)return a.clearTimeout(h),h=a.setTimeout(u,p),void 0;g=r;for(var v in l)if(l.hasOwnProperty(v)){var w=l[v],x=w.minw,y=w.maxw,z=null===x,A=null===y,B="em";x&&(x=parseFloat(x)*(x.indexOf(B)>-1?i||t():1)),y&&(y=parseFloat(y)*(y.indexOf(B)>-1?i||t():1)),w.hasquery&&(z&&A||!(z||e>=x)||!(A||y>=e))||(f[w.media]||(f[w.media]=[]),f[w.media].push(m[w.rules]))}for(var C in n)n.hasOwnProperty(C)&&n[C]&&n[C].parentNode===q&&q.removeChild(n[C]);n.length=0;for(var D in f)if(f.hasOwnProperty(D)){var E=j.createElement("style"),F=f[D].join("\n");E.type="text/css",E.media=D,q.insertBefore(E,o.nextSibling),E.styleSheet?E.styleSheet.cssText=F:E.appendChild(j.createTextNode(F)),n.push(E)}},v=function(a,b,d){var e=a.replace(c.regex.keyframes,"").match(c.regex.media),f=e&&e.length||0;b=b.substring(0,b.lastIndexOf("/"));var g=function(a){return a.replace(c.regex.urls,"$1"+b+"$2$3")},h=!f&&d;b.length&&(b+="/"),h&&(f=1);for(var i=0;f>i;i++){var j,k,n,o;h?(j=d,m.push(g(a))):(j=e[i].match(c.regex.findStyles)&&RegExp.$1,m.push(RegExp.$2&&g(RegExp.$2))),n=j.split(","),o=n.length;for(var p=0;o>p;p++)k=n[p],l.push({media:k.split("(")[0].match(c.regex.only)&&RegExp.$2||"all",rules:m.length-1,hasquery:k.indexOf("(")>-1,minw:k.match(c.regex.minw)&&parseFloat(RegExp.$1)+(RegExp.$2||""),maxw:k.match(c.regex.maxw)&&parseFloat(RegExp.$1)+(RegExp.$2||"")})}u()},w=function(){if(d.length){var b=d.shift();f(b.href,function(c){v(c,b.href,b.media),o[b.href]=!0,a.setTimeout(function(){w()},0)})}},x=function(){for(var b=0;b=n:"max-"===k&&n?r<=n:n?r===n:!!r;if(!k)break}while(d--)}if(k)break}}while(e--);return l?!k:k},B=function(){var b=c.innerWidth||w.clientWidth,a=c.innerHeight||w.clientHeight,e=c.screen.width,j=c.screen.height,g=c.screen.colorDepth,d=c.devicePixelRatio;h.width=b;h.height=a;h["aspect-ratio"]=(b/a).toFixed(2);h["device-width"]=e;h["device-height"]=j;h["device-aspect-ratio"]=(e/j).toFixed(2);h.color=g;h["color-index"]=Math.pow(2,g);h.orientation=a>=b?"portrait":"landscape";h.resolution= d&&96*d||c.screen.deviceXDPI||96;h["device-pixel-ratio"]=d||1},C=function(){clearTimeout(y);y=setTimeout(function(){var b=null,a=t-1,e=a,j=!1;if(0<=a){B();do if(b=l[e-a])if((j=A(b.mql.media))&&!b.mql.matches||!j&&b.mql.matches)if(b.mql.matches=j,b.listeners)for(var j=0,g=b.listeners.length;j", {'class' : 'image'}); $("", {'alt' : this.short_latin, 'src' : "images/" + this.short_latin + this.image_list[i] + '.jpg'}) .appendTo(image_div); images_array.push(image_div); } var images_br = $("
", {'class' : 'clearing_break'}); var images_div = $("
").append(images_array.concat(images_br)); components.push(images_div); // We display these properties if they're set; // "t" is text, "v" is value. var maybe_properties = [{t : 'Flower color:', v : this.color}, {t : 'Bloom period:', v : this.bloom}, {t : 'C value:', v : this.c_value}, {t : 'Wetland indicator:', v : this.w_i}, {t : '::Non-native::', v : this.invasive}]; for (var i = 0, length = maybe_properties.length; i < length; ++i) { var thisProperty = maybe_properties[i]; if (thisProperty.v != '') { components.push($("", {'class' : 'column'}).text(thisProperty.t)); components.push(document.createTextNode(thisProperty.v)); components.push($("
")); } } // WI restricted? if (this.restricted) { components.push($("", {'class' : 'column'}).text(this.restricted)); components.push($("
")); } // notes components.push($("", {'class' : 'column'}).text('Notes:')); var notes_div = $("
", {'class' : 'notes'}) .append($.parseHTML(this.notes)); components.push(notes_div); $('#' + this.short_latin).css("borderBottom", "1px solid black"); plant_inner.append(components).show(); } else { // content already exists, just show it $('#' + this.short_latin + '_ec') .removeClass("expand").addClass("collapse"); $('#' + this.short_latin).css("borderBottom", "1px solid black"); plant_inner.show(); } } else if ((action == "collapse") || (action == "switch" && inner_is_open)) { var short_latin_id = '#' + this.short_latin; $(short_latin_id + '_inner').hide(); $(short_latin_id).css("borderBottom", ""); $(short_latin_id + '_ec').removeClass("collapse").addClass("expand"); } }; //// Start pbc dom utility functions ///////////////////////////////// pdom = {}; /* attributes is an object, children is an array */ pdom.create_element = function(type, attributes, children) { var element = document.createElement(type); if (attributes) { for (var name in attributes) { element.setAttribute(name, attributes[name]); } } if (children) { for (var i = 0, length = children.length; i < length; ++i) { element.appendChild(children[i]); } } return element; }; pdom.ce = pdom.create_element; // createTextNode is some kind of weird wrapper object that you can't reference // directly... pdom.tn = function(text) { return document.createTextNode(text); }; //// End pbc dom utility functions /////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////// Start ajax handling ///////////////////////////// //// (Initially ajax was the source of more of the data, but now the full plant //// list is loaded and stored here via php, so all we use ajax for is getting //// sorted/trimmed lists of plant names from sql.) // open_plants is the list of plants that was already open when the request was // made. var request_ajax_data = function(query_data, open_plants) { $.ajax({ url: "pbc_flora_ajax.php", data: query_data, type: "GET", dataType: "xml", }).done(ajax_handler(open_plants)); }; // open_plants is the list of plants that was already open when the request was // made. var ajax_handler = function(open_plants) { open_plants = open_plants || []; return function(dom) { if (!dom || !dom.documentElement || dom.documentElement.nodeName === 'parsererror') { error_alert("Ajax error: please try again."); return; } var maybe_error = dom.getElementsByTagName('error'); if (maybe_error[0]) { error_alert(maybe_error[0].firstChild.data); return; } var closeups_xml = dom.getElementsByTagName('closeups')[0]; handle_ajax_closeups(closeups_xml); var list_xml = dom.getElementsByTagName('list')[0]; handle_ajax_list(list_xml, open_plants); var blooms_xml = dom.getElementsByTagName('bloom')[0]; handle_ajax_blooms(blooms_xml); }; }; // Handle return data (dom) from an ajax request for new closeups. var handle_ajax_closeups = function(dom) { if (!dom) { return; } clear_timer("closeups_loading"); var closeups = dom.getElementsByTagName('closeup'); var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); var latin_array = []; // remember the plants we add for (var i = 0, length = closeups.length; i < length; ++i) { var thisCloseup = closeups[i]; var common = thisCloseup.getElementsByTagName('common')[0].firstChild.data; var latin = thisCloseup.getElementsByTagName('short_latin')[0].firstChild.data; latin_array.push(latin); var image_number = thisCloseup.getElementsByTagName('image_number')[0].firstChild.data; //
' + common + '
' + common + '
; var link_text = $("", {"class" : "link_text", "id" : latin + '_closeup'}).text(common); var checkbox = $("", {'type' : 'checkbox', 'class' : 'inline_checkbox', 'id' : latin + '_checkbox'}); var description = $("
", {"class" : 'closeup_description'}) .append([checkbox, link_text]); var image = $("", {'class' : 'closeup_img', 'src' : 'images/' + latin + image_number + 'c.jpg', 'alt' : common}); var outerDiv = $("
", {'class' : 'closeup'}) .append([image, description]); fragment.appendChild(outerDiv.get(0)); } var inner_closeups = $("#inner_closeups_div"); // Remember this fragment. var invasives_only = dom.getElementsByTagName('invasives_only')[0].firstChild.data; invasives_only = (invasives_only === "true") ? 1 : 0; pbc.closeups_text_cache[invasives_only] = fragment.cloneNode(true); inner_closeups.empty().append(fragment); $("#closeup_checks").show(); $("#inner_closeups_div").show(); // Remember these plants (for "open all checked plants"). pbc.closeup_plants[invasives_only] = latin_array; }; // plant_data_displayer returns an object used for creating html fragments that // display the title information for a given plant; its get_data_from_xml method // retrieves plant data (for one plant) from an xml fragment, while its // append_div method takes an html fragment as input and appends a plant entry // for the input plant to the fragment; the list_order argument to the // constructor determines what/in what order data is displayed. var plant_data_displayer = function(list_order) { //// Private data // Each plant display looks like title_div followed by inner_div // (cf. write_divs below). var title_div = null; var inner_div = null; var common = ''; var aliases_fragment = null; var latin = ''; var short_latin = ''; var family = ''; var title_prefix_key = ''; if (list_order === 'color' || list_order === 'c_value' || list_order === 'w_i') { title_prefix_key = list_order; } var title_prefix = ''; var write_divs = function(fragment) { if (aliases_fragment) { title_div.appendChild(aliases_fragment); } fragment.appendChild(title_div); fragment.appendChild(inner_div); }; // end private data var that = {}; // our return plant display object that.short_latin = function() { return short_latin; } // Set this object's data values from an xml fragment argument. // This object is created once but repopulated many times by this // function, so be sure to reset every member on every call. that.get_data_from_xml = function(plant_xml) { short_latin = plant_xml.getElementsByTagName('short_latin')[0].firstChild.data; var plant = pbc.plants[short_latin]; if (plant.aliases) { aliases_fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); aliases_fragment.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); var aliases_node = pdom.ce('span', {'class' : 'alias'}); // plant.aliases may contain markup. aliases_node.innerHTML = 'Aliases: ' + plant.aliases; aliases_fragment.appendChild(aliases_node); } else { aliases_fragment = null; } common = plant.common; latin = plant.latin; family = plant.family; var image = pdom.create_element('span', {'class' : 'expand_collapse expand', 'id' : short_latin + '_ec'}); /*'src' : 'expand-r.png', 'alt' : 'expand or collapse ' + latin});*/ title_div = pdom.create_element('div', {'id' : short_latin, 'class' : 'outer'}, [image]); inner_div = pdom.create_element('div', {'id' : short_latin + '_inner', 'class' : 'inner'}); if (title_prefix_key) { var maybe_prefix_value = plant[title_prefix_key]; title_prefix = maybe_prefix_value ? maybe_prefix_value + ': ' : ''; } else { title_prefix = ''; } }; // append_div takes a fragment as argument and adds this object's data to // the fragment as appropriate, depending on list_order. that.append_div = (function() { switch(list_order) { case "common": case "bloom": case "color": case "c_value": case "w_i": return function(fragment) { title_div.innerHTML += '' + title_prefix + common + ' (' + latin + ') :: ' + family + ''; write_divs(fragment); }; break; case "latin": return function(fragment) { title_div.innerHTML += '' + latin + ' (' + common + ') :: ' + family + ''; write_divs(fragment); }; break; case "family": return function(fragment) { title_div.innerHTML += '' + family + '
' + common + ' (' + latin + ')'; write_divs(fragment); }; break; default: alert ("oOps - bad list order: " + list_order); return function(fragment) { }; break; } // end switch })(); return that; }; // Handle return data (dom) from an ajax request for new plant list data; // open_plants are the plants from the plant list that were open before the // current request - open any on the old list that are present in the new list. var handle_ajax_list = function(dom, open_plants) { if (!dom) { return; } clear_timer("plant_list_loading"); var list = dom.getElementsByTagName('plant'); var order = dom.getElementsByTagName('order')[0].firstChild.data; if (order === 'flower') { order = 'color'; // oOps } var data_processor = plant_data_displayer(order); var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); var latin_array = []; // remember the plants we add for (var i = 0, length = list.length; i < length; ++i) { data_processor.get_data_from_xml(list[i]); data_processor.append_div(fragment); latin_array.push(data_processor.short_latin()); } $("#plant_list_div").empty().append(fragment); pbc.list_plants = latin_array; $("#plant_count").empty().text("(" + latin_array.length + " plants)"); // reopen ids that were open before the request for (var i = 0, length = open_plants.length; i < length; ++i) { pbc.plants[open_plants[i]].display("expand"); } }; // Handle return data (dom) from an ajax request for new bloom table data. var handle_ajax_blooms = function(dom) { if (!dom) { return; } clear_timer("blooms_loading"); clear_timer("internal_blooms_loading"); var invasives_only = dom.getElementsByTagName('invasives_only')[0].firstChild.data; invasives_only = (invasives_only === "true") ? 1 : 0; var bloom_code_today = +dom.getElementsByTagName('bloom_code_today')[0].firstChild.data; var bloom_order = dom.getElementsByTagName('order')[0].firstChild.data; if (bloom_order == 'common') { document.getElementById('bloom_radio_common_option').checked = 'checked'; } else { document.getElementById('bloom_radio_date_option').checked = 'checked'; } // Remove the old table body. var table = document.getElementById('bloom_table'); var table_body = table.tBodies[0]; for (var i = table_body.rows.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { table_body.deleteRow(i); } var latin_array = []; // remember the plants in the table var blooms = dom.getElementsByTagName('bloom_data'); var number_of_blooms = blooms.length; var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); // Create the rows. for (var i = 0, length = blooms.length; i < length; ++i) { var thisBloom = blooms[i]; var common = thisBloom.getElementsByTagName('common')[0].firstChild.data; var short_latin = thisBloom.getElementsByTagName('short_latin')[0].firstChild.data; latin_array.push(short_latin); var anchor_id = short_latin + '_ref'; var latin_id = short_latin + '_bloom_check'; var blooming = ""; var bloom_start = +thisBloom.getElementsByTagName('bloom_start')[0].firstChild.data; var bloom_end = +thisBloom.getElementsByTagName('bloom_end')[0].firstChild.data; if (bloom_start <= bloom_code_today && bloom_end > bloom_code_today) { blooming = 'th_blooming'; } //// Create a row. //' + common + '' + bloom_row + ' var title_checkbox = pdom.ce('input', {'type' : 'checkbox', 'class' : 'inline_checkbox', 'id' : latin_id}); var title_link = pdom.ce('span', {'class' : 'anchor_link', 'id' : anchor_id}, [pdom.tn(common)]); var title_span = pdom.ce('span', {'class' : blooming}, [title_checkbox, title_link]); var title_th = pdom.ce('th', {}, [title_span]); var bloom_row = get_bloom_row(bloom_start, bloom_end, bloom_code_today); var tr = pdom.ce('tr', {}, [title_th].concat(bloom_row)); fragment.appendChild(tr); if (i > 0 && i % 20 == 0 && i + 4 < number_of_blooms) { // Add another months row. var empty_th = pdom.ce('th', {'class' : 'table_header', 'scope' : 'col'}); var months_array = get_table_months(); var months_row = pdom.ce('tr', {}, [empty_th].concat(months_array)); fragment.appendChild(months_row); } } table_body.appendChild(fragment); document.getElementById("inner_blooms_div").style.display = "block"; // Store the current list (for "open all checked"). pbc.bloom_plants[invasives_only] = latin_array; }; ///////////////////////// End ajax handling /////////////////////////////// // Return the list of currently open plants. var get_open_list_plants = function() { var return_array = []; for (var i = 0, length = pbc.list_plants.length; i < length; ++i) { var key = pbc.list_plants[i]; var elt = $('#' + key + "_inner"); if ($('#' + key + "_inner").children(":first-child").length) { return_array.push(key); } } return return_array; }; var get_closeup_plants_array = function() { return pbc.closeup_plants; }; // The closeups check has changed. var closeups_oncheck_function = function() { if (box_is_checked("closeups_box")) { var closeup_div = $("#inner_closeups_div"); var invasives_only = box_is_checked("invasive_box"); var closeup_fragment = pbc.closeups_text_cache[invasives_only]; if (!closeup_fragment) { // get the data var query_data = { "closeups" : "true" }; if (invasives_only) { query_data["invasive"] = "true"; } request_ajax_data(query_data); closeup_div.show(); set_loading("closeups_loading"); } else { // load saved data pbc.closeups_text_cache[invasives_only] = closeup_fragment.cloneNode(true); closeup_div.empty().append(closeup_fragment).show(); var name_array = pbc.closeup_plants[invasives_only]; $("#closeup_checks").show(); } } else { // closeups not checked $("#closeup_checks").hide(); $("#inner_closeups_div").hide(); } }; var get_bloom_plants_array = function() { return pbc.bloom_plants; }; // The bloom table check has changed. var blooms_oncheck_function = function() { if (box_is_checked("blooms_box")) { var query_data = { "bloom_order" : get_bloom_order() }; if (box_is_checked("invasive_box")) { query_data["invasive"] = "true"; } request_ajax_data(query_data); set_loading("blooms_loading"); } else { // blooms not checked $("#inner_blooms_div").hide(); } }; // User changed the bloom table order. var bloom_function = function() { var query_data = { "bloom_order" : get_bloom_order() }; if (box_is_checked("invasive_box")) { query_data["invasive"] = "true"; } request_ajax_data(query_data); set_loading("internal_blooms_loading"); }; // Return the value of the bloom table order radio buttons. var get_bloom_order = function() { return $("input[name=bloom_order]:checked").val(); }; // Return the table row text for a plant with the input bloom data. var get_bloom_row = function(bloom_start, bloom_end, bloom_code_today) { // [Note: \u00A0 is unicode for   - DOM doesn't do entities] var td_array = []; // late March is a special case if (bloom_start == 13) { var on_today = "on"; if (bloom_code_today == 13) { on_today = "today"; } td_array.push(pdom.ce('td', {'class' : 'td_march_' + on_today}, [pdom.tn('\u00A0')])); } else { td_array.push(pdom.ce('td', {'class' : 'td_march_off'}, [pdom.tn('\u00A0')])); } // April to October for (var i = 20; i <= 80; i += 10) { //"month" for (var j = 0; j <= 3; j++) { //"week" var k = i + j; var on_off = "off"; if (k >= bloom_start && k < bloom_end) { on_off = "on"; if (k == bloom_code_today) { on_off = "today"; } } td_array.push(pdom.ce('td', {'class' : 'td_' + j + '_' + on_off}, [pdom.tn('\u00A0')])); } } return td_array; }; // Return a month element for the bloom table. var get_month_th = function(month, columnspan) { return pdom.ce('th', {'class' : 'table_header', 'scope' : 'col', 'colspan' : columnspan}, [pdom.tn(month)]); }; // Return an array of elements for the months in the bloom table. var get_table_months = function() { var return_array = []; return_array.push(get_month_th('M', 1)); return_array.push(get_month_th('Apr', 4)); return_array.push(get_month_th('May', 4)); return_array.push(get_month_th('June', 4)); return_array.push(get_month_th('July', 4)); return_array.push(get_month_th('Aug', 4)); return_array.push(get_month_th('Sep', 4)); return_array.push(get_month_th('Oct', 4)); return return_array; }; // The global "non-natives only" check has been changed. var invasive_onclick_handler = function() { var query_data = { "sort" : $("#sort_value").val() }; var invasives_only = box_is_checked("invasive_box"); if (invasives_only) { query_data["invasive"] = "true"; } if (box_is_checked("closeups_box")) { if (pbc.closeups_text_cache[invasives_only] === '') { // Request new closeup data. set_loading("closeups_loading"); query_data["closeups"] = "true"; } else { // load the old data closeups_oncheck_function(); } } if (box_is_checked("blooms_box")) { set_loading("blooms_loading"); query_data["bloom_order"] = get_bloom_order(); } set_loading("plant_list_loading"); request_ajax_data(query_data, get_open_list_plants()); }; var scroll_to_first_open_plant = function(plant_list) { var first_open = ""; if (plant_list.length) { for (var i = 0, length = pbc.list_plants.length; i < length; ++i) { var key = pbc.list_plants[i]; var elt = $("#" + key + "_inner"); if (elt.children(":first-child").length && plant_list.contains(key)) { first_open = key; break; } } } else { for (var i = 0, length = pbc.list_plants.length; i < length; ++i) { var key = pbc.list_plants[i]; var elt = $("#" + key + "_inner"); if (elt.children(":first-child").length) { first_open = key; break; } } } if (first_open) { scroll_to_element(first_open); } }; // Return a function that returns the plants in the list returned by // check_plants_array_function that are checked (where you need to append // checkbox_id_extension to the names returned by check_plants_array_fucntion to // find the checkbox to examine) -- just read the darn function ;-) var create_get_checked_plants_function = function(check_plants_array_function, checkbox_id_extension) { return function() { var return_array = []; var check_plants = check_plants_array_function()[box_is_checked("invasive_box")]; for (var i = 0, length = check_plants.length; i < length; ++i) { var key = check_plants[i]; var elt = $('#' + key + checkbox_id_extension); if (elt.prop("checked")) { return_array.push(key); } } return return_array; }; }; var create_checks_clearer = function(get_checks_function, checkbox_id_extension) { return function() { var checked_boxes = get_checks_function(); for (var i = 0, length = checked_boxes.length; i < length; ++i) { $('#' + checked_boxes[i] + checkbox_id_extension).prop("checked", false); } }; }; var box_is_checked = function(box_id) { // (We may use the return value as an object key, so return an int, not a // bool (IE doesn't like bool keys).) var box = $('#' + box_id); if (box.length) { return box.prop("checked") ? 1 : 0; } return 0; }; // Set the loading_id "loading..." div to display loading_text (call clear_timer // on the same loading_id to stop). var set_loading = function(loading_id, loading_text) { if (pbc.timers[loading_id]["timer_id"]) { // timer's already running return; } if (!loading_text) { loading_text = "Loading"; } $('#' + loading_id).show(); var timer_function = function() { var ellipses_nodes = [$(document.createTextNode(loading_text))]; var ellipse_index = pbc.timers[loading_id]["count"]; pbc.timers[loading_id]["count"] = (pbc.timers[loading_id]["count"] + 1) % 3; for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (i != ellipse_index) { ellipses_nodes.push($(document.createTextNode('..'))); } else { ellipses_nodes.push($("").css("color", "#84A884").text('..')); } } $('#' + loading_id).empty().append(ellipses_nodes); }; timer_function(); pbc.timers[loading_id]["timer_id"] = setInterval(timer_function, 400); }; // Cf. set_loading. clear_timer = function(loading_id) { if (pbc.timers[loading_id]["timer_id"]) { clearInterval(pbc.timers[loading_id]["timer_id"]); pbc.timers[loading_id]["timer_id"] = 0; pbc.timers[loading_id]["count"] = 0; } $('#' + loading_id).hide(); }; // Create a function that opens all of the plants returned by // get_checks_function, and scroll to the first opened one. var create_open_checks_function = function(get_checks_function) { return function() { var checked_plants = get_checks_function(); if (checked_plants.length > 0) { // collapse_all_function(); for (var i = 0, length = checked_plants.length; i < length; ++i) { pbc.plants[checked_plants[i]].display("expand"); } scroll_to_first_open_plant(checked_plants); } }; }; // Input is an array of user input possible plant names in shortened latin form. // Open those that validate and scroll to the first one. This function should // only be called at load time, and it alters maybe_plants. var open_maybe_plants = function(maybe_plants) { // Uppercase first letter of each candidate plant. for (var i = 0, length = maybe_plants.length; i < length; ++i) { var this_maybe_plant = maybe_plants[i]; // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1026069/capitalize-first-letter-of-string-in-javascript maybe_plants[i] = this_maybe_plant.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this_maybe_plant.slice(1); } // Get the short latin names from the pbc.plants keys. var short_latin_names = []; for (var plant in pbc.plants) { short_latin_names.push(plant); } validated_plants = []; for (var i = 0, iLength = short_latin_names.length; i < iLength; ++i) { for (var j = 0, jLength = maybe_plants.length; j < jLength; ++j) { var this_maybe_plant = maybe_plants[j]; if (this_maybe_plant === short_latin_names[i]) { var validated_plant = short_latin_names[i]; validated_plants.push(validated_plant); pbc.plants[validated_plant].display("expand"); // Delete this maybe plant. maybe_plants.splice(j, 1); --j; } } if (maybe_plants.length == 0) { break; } } scroll_to_first_open_plant(validated_plants); }; // Collapse all plants in the plant list. var collapse_all_function = function() { for (var i = 0, length = pbc.list_plants.length; i < length; ++i) { pbc.plants[pbc.list_plants[i]].display("collapse"); } scroll_to_element("select_form_div"); }; var create_called_function = function(callee, expand_collapse) { return function() { pbc.plants[callee].display(expand_collapse); }; }; var create_called_jump_function = function(callee, expand_collapse) { return function() { pbc.plants[callee].display(expand_collapse); scroll_to_element(callee); }; }; var handle_plant_click = function(short_latin, expand_collapse, jump) { pbc.plants[short_latin].display(expand_collapse); if (jump === "jump") { scroll_to_element(short_latin); } }; /* http://www.quirksmode.org/js/findpos.html */ var height_of_element = function(element) { var curtop = 0; if (element.offsetParent) { do { curtop += element.offsetTop; } while (element = element.offsetParent); } return curtop; }; //var scroll_to_element = function(element_id) { // var element = $(element_id); // if (element) { // window.scrollTo(0, height_of_element(element)); // } // else { // window.scrollTo(0,0); // } //}; var scroll_to_element = function(element_id) { var min_scroll_time = 200; var max_scroll_time = 700; var full_scroll = $("#links_div").offset().top - $("#closeups_title").offset().top; var cur_scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); var scroll_to = $("#" + element_id).offset().top; var scroll_ratio = Math.abs(scroll_to - cur_scroll) / full_scroll; var scroll_time = Math.max(max_scroll_time * scroll_ratio, min_scroll_time); $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: scroll_to}, scroll_time); }; var error_alert = function(message) { if (!message) { alert("Sorry, your browser doesn't seem to be supported - a more recent browser may be required."); } else { alert(message); } }; var get_checked_closeups = create_get_checked_plants_function(get_closeup_plants_array, "_checkbox"); var get_checked_blooms = create_get_checked_plants_function(get_bloom_plants_array, "_bloom_check"); var clear_closeup_checks = create_checks_clearer(get_checked_closeups, "_checkbox"); var clear_bloom_checks = create_checks_clearer(get_checked_blooms, "_bloom_check"); var open_checked_closeups = create_open_checks_function(get_checked_closeups); var open_checked_blooms = create_open_checks_function(get_checked_blooms); // Find the right xmlhttprequest generator for this browser // (based on Javascript: the definitive guide by David Flanagan (O'Reilly 2006)) var ajax_object = (function() { var factories = [function() { return new XMLHttpRequest(); }, function() { return new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP"); }, function() { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }]; for (var i = 0, length = factories.length; i < length; ++i) { try { var factory = factories[i]; var request = factory(); if (request != null) { return factory; } } catch(e) { continue; } } return error_alert; })(); // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/237104/javascript-array-containsobj Array.prototype.contains = function(obj) { var i = this.length; while (i--) { if (this[i] === obj) { return true; } } return false; }; pbc.plants["Agascr"] = new Plant("Agascr", [7596,7598], "white", "August to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Grows to 3 to 5 feet tall.', "4", "", 'Hyssop, giant', ' Agastache scrophulariifolia', 'Mint family (Lamiaceae)', 'purple giant hyssop'); pbc.plants["Abuthe"] = new Plant("Abuthe", [8971,8979,21059], "yellow", "July to October", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Minnesota wildflowers
A weedy annual of disturbed areas.', "", "FACU-", 'Velvet leaf', 'Abutilon theophrastii', 'Mallow family (Malvaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Aceneg"] = new Plant("Aceneg", [5848,5849,6292], "green", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Note young stems green to red and covered in a milky film (glaucous).
Boxelder is native but often weedy and probably doesn\'t have a place in a prairie/savanna restoration setting.', "0", "FACW-", 'Tree, boxelder', 'Acer negundo', 'Maple family (Aceraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Achmil"] = new Plant("Achmil", [5685], "white", "June to mid October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "1", "FACU", 'Yarrow', 'Achillea millefolium', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'milfoil'); pbc.plants["Actrub"] = new Plant("Actrub", [65876,65878,2318], "white", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
The story on the berry photo: I didn\'t notice them until late in the season when the red berries made the plants conspicuous.
It\'s possible this is white baneberry (Actaea pachypoda). Both can have red berries (though it\'s rare in white baneberry), but red baneberry usually has fruit stems .5-.7 mm in diameter and green, while white baneberry usually has those stems almost as thick as the main vertical axis and red. This plant seems to be neither! In all of the pictures of white baneberry I\'ve seen, the fruiting stems are noticeably reddened (usually bright red), and a nearby (blurry) photo definitely has the typical thin red baneberry stems, so for now we\'ll call this one a tentative red baneberry (with a nearby plant definitely red baneberry). If I remember to check this location next year I may be able to give a more definitive answer.', "7", "", 'Baneberry, red', 'Actaea rubra', 'Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Agaten"] = new Plant("Agaten", [21576,21585], "purple", "August to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Michigan flora
A partially parasitic annual. Uncommon to my eye, but probably easily overlooked.', "6", "FACW", 'False foxglove, common', 'Agalinis tenuifolia', 'Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Agafoe"] = new Plant("Agafoe", [7645,7647], "blue", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Two to four feet tall.', "6", "", 'Hyssop, blue giant', 'Agastache foeniculum', 'Mint family (Lamiaceae)', 'anise hyssop'); pbc.plants["Agealt"] = new Plant("Agealt", [7751,7738], "white", "late July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Michigan flora
The cause of "milk sickness" in cows. Somewhat weedy.', "1", "FACU", 'Snakeroot, white', 'Ageratina altissima', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ' Eupatorium rugosum'); pbc.plants["Agrgry"] = new Plant("Agrgry", [6922,6895], "yellow", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora', "2", "FACU+", 'Agrimony, common', 'Agrimonia gryposepala', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', 'tall hairy agrimony'); pbc.plants["Agrgig"] = new Plant("Agrgig", [1886,1938,1937], "", "", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
One-flowered spikelets with glumes longer than the lemma; panicles tinted reddish while in bloom; ligule 2-5 mm long.', "", "", 'Grass, redtop', 'Agrostis gigantea', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Alitri"] = new Plant("Alitri", [53567,53571,2733,2734], "white", "June to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
Minnesota wildflowers
Missouri plants
Uncommon in my experience.', "4", "", 'Water plantain, northern', 'Alisma triviale', 'Water Plantain family (Alismataceae)', 'Large-Flowered Water Plantain'); pbc.plants["Allpet"] = new Plant("Allpet", [14787,14788,15397,5411], "white", "April to June", "invasive -- consider control", ":::: Restricted in Wisconsin ::::", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Biennial; one of our worst invaders of woodlands.', "", "FAC", 'Garlic mustard', 'Alliaria petiolata', 'Mustard family (Brassiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Allcer"] = new Plant("Allcer", [7555,7558,7303], "purple", "mid July to early September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "7", "", 'Onion, nodding wild', 'Allium cernuum', 'Lily family (Liliaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Amaret"] = new Plant("Amaret", [2063,2064], "green", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
Flora of North America
A weedy annual.', "0", "FACU+", 'Amaranth, common', 'Amaranthus retroflexus', 'Amaranth family (Amaranthaceae)', 'pigweed, redroot'); pbc.plants["Ambart"] = new Plant("Ambart", [7954,7956], "green", "late July to late September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Native but weedy annual.', "0", "FACU", 'Ragweed, common', 'Ambrosia artemisiifolia', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Ambtri"] = new Plant("Ambtri", [7689,6730,7533], "white", "August to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Native but weedy annual; stem covered with short stiff hairs giving it a rough texture.', "0", "FAC+", 'Ragweed, giant', 'Ambrosia trifida', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Amocan"] = new Plant("Amocan", [6517,6838], "purple", "late May to mid September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "7", "", 'Lead plant', 'Amorpha canescens', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Ampbra"] = new Plant("Ampbra", [7841,7749,2906], "purple", "August to mid September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
An annual vine found mostly on the hill.', "5", "FAC", 'Hog peanut', 'Amphicarpaea bracteata', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Andger"] = new Plant("Andger", [8333,7236,7239], "", "July to late August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Three to eight feet tall.', "4", "FAC-", 'Grass, big bluestem', 'Andropogon gerardii', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', 'turkey foot'); pbc.plants["Anecan"] = new Plant("Anecan", [1178,1179,1183], "white", "late May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Flora of North America
Found in the wetlands.', "4", "FACW", 'Anemone, Canada', 'Anemone canadensis', 'Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Anecyl"] = new Plant("Anecyl", [6859,6861,6860], "white", "late May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Michigan flora
Flora of North America
Note that Illinois wildflowers uses the common name thimbleweed for Anemone cylindrica; we follow Cochrane (\"Prairie plants of the UW-Madison arboretum\") and associate thimbleweed with Anemone virginiana.', "6", "", 'Anemone, candle', 'Anemone cylindrica', 'Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Anepat"] = new Plant("Anepat", [4820,9904], "purple", "late March to May", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Probably the earliest prairie bloomer at Pheasant Branch.', "7", "", 'Pasqueflower, American', 'Anemone patens', 'Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Anequi"] = new Plant("Anequi", [338,362,663], "white", "April to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Flora of North America', "6", "FAC*", 'Anemone, wood', 'Anemone quinquefolia', 'Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)', 'nightcaps'); pbc.plants["Anevir"] = new Plant("Anevir", [6432,6726], "white", "late May to late July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Note that the Illinois wildflowers page for thimbleweed is what we refer to here as candle anemone (Anemone cylindrica). Our usage follows Cochrane (\"Prairie plants of the UW-Madison arboretum\").', "5", "NI", 'Thimbleweed', 'Anemone virginiana', 'Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)', 'tall anemone'); pbc.plants["Angatr"] = new Plant("Angatr", [5941,5943], "white", "late May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Common at the springs, for example.', "6", "OBL", 'Angelica', 'Angelica atropurpurea', 'Carrot family (Apiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Antpla"] = new Plant("Antpla", [2475,2476,219,618,5345], "white", "early May to mid July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Basal leaves > .5 inch wide, with three prominent veins.', "3", "", 'Pussytoes, plantain', 'Antennaria plantaginifolia', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'Cat's foot'); pbc.plants["Apoand"] = new Plant("Apoand", [6456], "white", "mid June to August", "", "", 'Minnesota wildflowers
Flora of Wisconsin', "2", "", 'Dogbane, spreading', 'Apocynum androsaemifolium', 'Dogbane family (Apocynaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Apocan"] = new Plant("Apocan", [7580,8548], "white", "June to mid August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "3", "FAC+", 'Dogbane, clasping', 'Apocynum cannabinum', 'Dogbane family (Apocynaceae)', 'Indian hemp, common dogbane, Apocynum sibiricum'); pbc.plants["Aqucan"] = new Plant("Aqucan", [238,5368], "red", "May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants', "5", "FAC-", 'Columbine, wild', 'Aquilegia canadensis', 'Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)', 'Canadian columbine'); pbc.plants["Aragla"] = new Plant("Aragla", [1301,1302,10384,10388], "white", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Biennial/perennial; smooth milky clasping leaves and long ascending seedpods are distinctive.', "5", "", 'Mustard, tower', 'Arabis glabra', 'Mustard family (Brassicaceae)', 'tower rock cress'); pbc.plants["Aralyr"] = new Plant("Aralyr", [42,9987], "white", "April to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Biennial/perennial.', "4", "FACU-", 'Cress, sand', 'Arabis lyrata', 'Mustard family (Brassicaceae)', 'lyrate rock cress'); pbc.plants["Arclap"] = new Plant("Arclap", [22553,22552,22555], "pink", "August to October", "invasive -- consider control", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Leaf quite similar to common burdock, but with a solid stem instead of hollow; flowers long-stalked, larger than in common burdock, and arranged in a flat-topped cluster.', "", "", 'Burdock, great', 'Arctium lappa', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Arcmin"] = new Plant("Arcmin", [7202,14917,5851], "pink", "July to October", "invasive -- consider control", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Birds can become so entangled in the burs that they die when unable to escape.
Burdock is monocarpic, meaning it flowers once and then dies (often in its second year).
The second picture is of a carpet of burdock seedlings; fortunately most of these will die off as they compete with each other for resources.', "", "", 'Burdock', 'Arctium minus', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Arestr"] = new Plant("Arestr", [9594,10158,10159,695], "white", "June to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
Short-lived perennial.', "7", "", 'Sandwort, rock', 'Arenaria stricta', 'Pink family (Caryophyllaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Arnatr"] = new Plant("Arnatr", [6434,7913], "white", "mid June to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Note pale leaf undersides.', "4", "", 'Indian plantain, pale', 'Arnoglossum atriplicifolium', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Artlud"] = new Plant("Artlud", [5664,2449,8999], "white", "July to mid October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "3", "UPL", 'Sage, white', 'Artemisia ludoviciana', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Artser"] = new Plant("Artser", [22005,22007,22008], "white", "August to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=250066167', "6", "", 'Sage, toothed', 'Artemisia serrata', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'saw-leaf mugwort'); pbc.plants["Ascinc"] = new Plant("Ascinc", [6766,6771], "purple", "mid June to mid August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Found in the wetlands.', "5", "OBL", 'Milkweed, swamp', 'Asclepias incarnata', 'Milkweed family (Asclepiadaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Ascsyr"] = new Plant("Ascsyr", [9577,6365], "purple", "early June to early August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Distinguishable from other milkweeds by its prickly seed pods.', "1", "", 'Milkweed, common', 'Asclepias syriaca', 'Milkweed family (Asclepiadaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Asctub"] = new Plant("Asctub", [6451], "orange", "mid June to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "6", "", 'Milkweed, orange', 'Asclepias tuberosa', 'Milkweed family (Asclepiadaceae)', 'Butterfly weed'); pbc.plants["Ascver"] = new Plant("Ascver", [7069], "white", "July to early September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "2", "", 'Milkweed, whorled', 'Asclepias verticillata', 'Milkweed family (Asclepiadaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Aspoff"] = new Plant("Aspoff", [350,1021,2128,5532], "green", "May to July", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Garden asparagus growing wild.', "", "FACU", 'Asparagus', 'Asparagus officinalis', 'Lily family (Liliaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Astcan"] = new Plant("Astcan", [6793,6988], "yellow", "July to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
To my knowledge, we have two vetch-type plants with terminal leaflets instead of a tendril (as in marsh pea): one is Canada milkvetch, a desirable native, the other is crown vetch, a very invasive non-native. In the absence of flowers, which easily distinguish the two, they can be distinguished by the smaller leaflets of crown vetch and the sprawling covering clonal invasive behavior of crown vetch compared to the more solitary upright posture of milkvetch.', "8", "FAC+", 'Milkvetch, Canadian', 'Astragalus canadensis', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Athfil"] = new Plant("Athfil", [1742,1743,1745], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Scales at the bases of the fronds, which are widest at about the middle; "pinnules cut to midvein of pinnae and deeply toothed"; sori kidney shaped (or straight).', "5", "FAC", 'Fern, lady', 'Athyrium filix-femina', 'Shield Fern family (Dryopteridaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Aurgra"] = new Plant("Aurgra", [2045,8493,8286,2046], "yellow", "late July to mid October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Hemiparasitic on oaks (it requires roots of oaks, off which it draws nutrients, to grow beyond the seedling stage).', "8", "", 'Foxglove, yellow false', 'Aureolaria grandiflora', 'Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Bapalb"] = new Plant("Bapalb", [13884,5814,5799,6647], "white", "late May to early August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
At the end of the season the stems break off at the base and the plants tumble around, as in the second photo.
Blue and white wild indigo hybrids should be removed to avoid seed contamination (non-hybrids have seed pods that hang down (not up or sideways) and have seed stems that rise above the foliage).', "8", "FACU*", 'Wild indigo, white', 'Baptisia alba', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Bapaus"] = new Plant("Bapaus", [15393,5729,5732], "blue", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Blue and white wild indigo hybrids should be removed to avoid seed contamination (hybrids have seed pods that point up from the stem).', "", "", 'Wild indigo, blue', 'Baptisia australis', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Bapbra"] = new Plant("Bapbra", [1697,5475,5617], "yellow", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Minnesota wildflowers
A low growing early blooming prairie plant.', "7", "", 'Wild indigo, cream', 'Baptisia bracteata', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Barvul"] = new Plant("Barvul", [5232,177,179], "yellow", "early May to mid July", "invasive -- consider control", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Biennial', "", "", 'Yellow rocket', 'Barbarea vulgaris', 'Mustard family (Brassicaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Berthu"] = new Plant("Berthu", [9483,9485,9486], "yellow", "", "invasive -- consider control", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
The berries turn red as they ripen. Infrequent at Pheasant Branch.', "", "FACU-", 'Barberry, Japanese', 'Berberis thunbergii', 'Barberry family (Berberidaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Berinc"] = new Plant("Berinc", [6884,6888], "white", "May to October", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Missouri plants
Annual to perennial.', "", "", 'Hoary allysum', 'Berteroa incana', 'Mustard family (Brassicaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Bidcer"] = new Plant("Bidcer", [9349,9351,9352], "yellow", "mid August to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Annual found in the wetlands.', "4", "OBL", 'Beggar ticks, nodding', 'Bidens cernuus', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'nodding bur marigold'); pbc.plants["Bidfro"] = new Plant("Bidfro", [9267,9273,9276], "yellow", "June to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
This annual composite has no ray florets and fewer than 10 bracts.', "1", "FACW", 'Beggar ticks, common', 'Bidens frondosa', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Bidvul"] = new Plant("Bidvul", [9026,9029,9739], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Tall beggar ticks is distinguished from common beggar ticks by the number of leafy bracts surrounding the flowers: 10-20 for tall, 5-9 for common.
The last image is of the infamous fruits.', "1", "", 'Beggar ticks, tall', 'Bidens vulgatus', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'big devil's beggar ticks'); pbc.plants["Blecil"] = new Plant("Blecil", [5930], "purple", "June to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants', "7", "", 'Mint, downy wood', 'Blephilia ciliata', 'Mint family (Lamiaceae)', 'Ohio horsemint'); pbc.plants["Boecyl"] = new Plant("Boecyl", [2654,2652], "green", "August to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
This nettle has no stinging hairs - note the three parallel leaf veins. Found in wetland thickets.', "6", "OBL", 'Nettle, false', 'Boehmeria cylindrica', 'Nettle family (Urticaceae)', 'small-spike false nettle'); pbc.plants["Bolflu"] = new Plant("Bolflu", [21541,21536,21537], "green", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Michigan flora', "6", "OBL", 'Bulrush, river', 'Bolboschoenus fluviatilis', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Botvir"] = new Plant("Botvir", [10452,10453,10457], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
The first picture is of the fertile frond, which rises above the infertile leaf.', "6", "FACU", 'Fern, rattlesnake', 'Botrychium virginianum', 'Adder's Tongue family (Ophioglossaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Boucur"] = new Plant("Boucur", [7571,7857], "", "mid July to mid September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "6", "", 'Grass, side oats grama', 'Bouteloua curtipendula', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Bouhir"] = new Plant("Bouhir", [8388,8390], "", "late July to late September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
http://www.eeob.iastate.edu/research/IowaGrasses/speciespages/BouteHirsu/BouteHirsu.html', "7", "", 'Grass, hairy grama', 'Bouteloua hirsuta', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Brieup"] = new Plant("Brieup", [7874,7875], "white", "August to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "5", "", 'Boneset, false', 'Brickellia eupatorioides', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Broalt"] = new Plant("Broalt", [2068,1955], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
The namesake "ears" (auricles) are visible in the second photo.', "6", "FACW-", 'Grass, ear leaved brome', 'Bromus altissimus', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Brocil"] = new Plant("Brocil", [1557,1554,1551], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
The photos above are apparently of var. intonsus, with pilose (soft hairs) leaf sheaths. Spikelets are hairless except for long hairs along the margins of the lemmas.', "7", "FACW", 'Grass, fringed brome', 'Bromus ciliatus', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Broine"] = new Plant("Broine", [9116,1132,1213,1248], "", "", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Invasive, throughout the conservancy. Smooth brome was probably dominant in some of the old farm fields before they were converted to prairies - in some portions of the prairies it still is, as in the last picture.', "", "", 'Grass, smooth brome', 'Bromus inermis', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Brojap"] = new Plant("Brojap", [1272,1313], "", "", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Sheathes and leaves velvety hairy, spikelets glabrous (smooth), first glume many-nerved.', "", "FACU", 'Grass, Japanese chess', 'Bromus japonicus', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Brokal"] = new Plant("Brokal", [20762], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Note the uniformly velvety spikelets.', "8", "FAC", 'Grass, Kalm's brome', 'Bromus kalmii', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Brotec"] = new Plant("Brotec", [10260,10262,15306], "", "", "potentially invasive", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
An annual, known from one old gravel pile on the hill, where it grows < 6\" tall.', "", "", 'Grass, downy brome', 'Bromus tectorum', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', 'downy chess'); pbc.plants["Calcan"] = new Plant("Calcan", [1504,1498,1490,1482], "", "late June to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
http://www.eeob.iastate.edu/research/IowaGrasses/speciespages/CalamCanad/CalamCanad.html', "5", "OBL", 'Grass, bluejoint', 'Calamagrostis canadensis', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Calpaz"] = new Plant("Calpaz", [14591,3400,1539,2145], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Michigan flora
This could actually be Callitriche heterophylla.
An annual \"submersed aquatic\" growing in the streams flowing through the wetlands from the springs. The seed is just visible to the right of the index finger in the last picture.', "8", "OBL", 'Water starwort, common', 'Callitriche palustris', 'Water starwort family (Callitrichaceae)', 'vernal water starwort'); pbc.plants["Calpal"] = new Plant("Calpal", [4993,4998], "yellow", "April to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
A seepage indicator plant.', "6", "OBL", 'Marigold, marsh', 'Caltha palustris', 'Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Calsep"] = new Plant("Calsep", [5959,5792], "white", "June to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Hedge bindweed is a native vine; the similar-looking field bindweed, a non-native listed in WI as a noxious weed, has smaller leaves and flowers (flowers only up to an inch).', "2", "FAC", 'Bindweed, hedge', 'Calystegia sepium', 'Morning Glory family (Convolvulaceae)', 'morning glory'); pbc.plants["Camrap"] = new Plant("Camrap", [6732,6733], "purple", "June to October", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "", "", 'Bellflower, creeping', 'Campanula rapunculoides', 'Bellflower family (Campanulaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Camrot"] = new Plant("Camrot", [70136], "purple", "June to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
Michigan flora', "5", "FAC-", 'Harebell', 'Campanula rotundifolia ', 'Bellflower family (Campanulaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Camame"] = new Plant("Camame", [7155,6992], "purple", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Annual or biennial.', "4", "FAC", 'Bellflower, American', 'Campanulastrum americanum', 'Bellflower family (Campanulaceae)', 'tall bellflower'); pbc.plants["Capbur"] = new Plant("Capbur", [15010,15011,15012,15016], "yellow", "April to August", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Minnesota wildflowers
Note the distinctive seedpods. This is apparently a common weed, but the only place I've ever seen it is growing out of the split of a downed tree (pictured above).', "", "FAC-", 'Shepherd's purse', 'Capsella bursa-pastoris', 'Mustard family (Brassicaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Carbul"] = new Plant("Carbul", [10055,10035,10042], "white", "April to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
Michigan flora
Minnesota wildflowers', "6", "OBL", 'Cress, spring', 'Cardamine bulbosa', 'Mustard family (Brassicaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Caraca"] = new Plant("Caraca", [6447,7866,2033,2032,5373], "pink", "July to October", "invasive -- consider control", ":::: Restricted in Wisconsin ::::", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Biennial. This thistle has grown up thick along one of the trails (among other places) - it may be non-native, but the day I walked by the patch was buzzing with many butterflies and bees working on the flowers, and apparently goldfinches are fond of the seed.', "", "", 'Thistle, plumeless', 'Carduus acanthoides', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'Welted thistle'); pbc.plants["Carbeb"] = new Plant("Carbeb", [20773,20775], "", "June to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Michigan flora
Congested inflorescence, lowest bract conspicuous and shorter than the inflorescence; leaf sheaths tight, leaves < 4mm wide.', "4", "OBL", 'Sedge, Bebb's', 'Carex bebbii', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Carbla"] = new Plant("Carbla", [316,246,655], "", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Slightly weedy. Sprawling leaves up to 1cm wide with a prominent mid-channel; green all winter.', "3", "FAC", 'Sedge, common wood', 'Carex blanda', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Carbre"] = new Plant("Carbre", [1011,10283,10285], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Spikes spread out, globular to elliptical (bases acute); inner leaf sheath whitish translucent at the top; peryginia orbicular, winged, veinless on the inner face.', "3", "FAC", 'Sedge, fescue', 'Carex brevior', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Carcep"] = new Plant("Carcep", [703,705,707], "", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
The inner band of the leaf sheath smooth white translucent, slightly thickened at the summit; multiple spiky inflorescence bracts.', "4", "FACU", 'Sedge, oval-headed', 'Carex cephalophora', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', 'capitate sedge'); pbc.plants["Carcom"] = new Plant("Carcom", [1363,1366,1367], "", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Note the septate-nodulose (bumpy!) leaves.', "5", "OBL", 'Sedge, bristly', 'Carex comosa', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Carcri"] = new Plant("Carcri", [20765,20768,20769], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
From Hipp, \"Field Guide to Wisconsin Sedges\", p. 200: \"nearly spherical spikes and strongly reflexed perigynium beaks, the pistillate scales concealed by the perigynia at maturity.\" Sheaths loose, with a triangular hyaline v-shaped summit. Rare (to me) at Pheasant Branch.', "4", "FACW+", 'Sedge, crested oval', 'Carex cristatella', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Cargra"] = new Plant("Cargra", [700,702,1210], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Slightly weedy. The last picture is of the distinctive mature inflorescence.', "3", "", 'Sedge, long-awned bracted', 'Carex gravida', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', 'heavy sedge'); pbc.plants["Carhay"] = new Plant("Carhay", [838], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Often growing on tussocks (though not tussock forming itself). Thin light brown scales longer than the spreading peryginia.', "8", "OBL", 'Sedge, Hayden's', 'Carex haydenii', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', 'long-scaled tussock sedge'); pbc.plants["Carhys"] = new Plant("Carhys", [817,819], "", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=242357249', "3", "OBL", 'Sedge, porcupine', 'Carex hystericina', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Carint"] = new Plant("Carint", [20482,20494,20495], "", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Terminal gynecandrous spike clavate(!), leaves grasslike 1-2.5 mm wide; otherwise reminiscent of Carex rosea.', "7", "OBL", 'Sedge, inland', 'Carex interior', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', 'inland star sedge'); pbc.plants["Carmea"] = new Plant("Carmea", [710,712,34], "", "April to May", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Grayish leaves; brownish/purplish pistillate scales with translucent margins and green central band.', "6", "FAC", 'Sedge, Mead's', 'Carex meadii', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Carpel"] = new Plant("Carpel", [857,854,977], "", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Dense wooly perigynia (leaves > 2mm, not inrolled filiform distinguish it from the similar Carex lasiocarpa).', "4", "OBL", 'Sedge, broad-leaved wooly', 'Carex pellita', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Carpen"] = new Plant("Carpen", [23,28,364], "", "mid April to late May", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Terminal staminate (male) spike stalkless (or short-stalked); pistillate (female) scales maroon with thin green central band; sheath bases reddish.', "3", "", 'Sedge, Pennsylvania', 'Carex pensylvanica', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Carric"] = new Plant("Carric", [63,9977], "", "April to May", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Terminal staminate spike (yellow), pistillate spikes (white) below the staminate spike; bract sheaths maroon; last year's leaves curled, yellow from a distance.', "7", "UPL", 'Sedge, Richardson's', 'Carex richardsonii', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', 'prairie hummock sedge'); pbc.plants["Carros"] = new Plant("Carros", [557,1045,1047,1046], "", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
The small star-like spikes spread out along the stem are distinctive at Pheasant Branch.', "4", "", 'Sedge, curly-styled wood', 'Carex rosea', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', 'rose sedge'); pbc.plants["Carsco"] = new Plant("Carsco", [929,930], "", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Football-shaped spikes (pointed at the base and the apex), bracts inconspicuous.', "4", "FACW", 'Sedge, broom', 'Carex scoparia', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Carspr"] = new Plant("Carspr", [734,735], "", "late April to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
The arching inflorescences of long/slender-beaked peryginia are distinctive.', "6", "FAC", 'Sedge, Sprengel's', 'Carex sprengelii', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', 'long-beaked sedge'); pbc.plants["Carsti"] = new Plant("Carsti", [831,835,501], "", "mid May to late May", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
"Spongy" (compressible) three-angled slightly winged culms (stems), whitish corrugated inner leaf sheath.', "2", "OBL", 'Sedge, owl-fruit', 'Carex stipata', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', 'common fox sedge, prickly sedge'); pbc.plants["Carstr"] = new Plant("Carstr", [472,872,843,926], "", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Found in the wetlands, forming its namesake tussocks in wet areas.', "7", "OBL", 'Sedge, tussock', 'Carex stricta', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Carten"] = new Plant("Carten", [1373,1374,1378], "", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
The drooping inflorescence is distinctive (at least at Pheasant Branch). (I believe the pictures are of var. echinodes.)', "4", "FAC+", 'Sedge, marsh straw', 'Carex tenera', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Cartri"] = new Plant("Cartri", [10435,10433,10469,10467,10281], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Forms loose colonies of mostly vegetative culms; perigynia fuzzy, long-beaked; red/purple leaf sheath apex; basal sheaths reddish, ladder fibrillose.', "7", "OBL", 'Sedge, hairy fruit lake', 'Carex trichocarpa', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Carvul"] = new Plant("Carvul", [1092,1093], "", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Leaves taller than the bristly cylindrical inflorescence.', "2", "OBL", 'Sedge, fox', 'Carex vulpinoidea', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Carova"] = new Plant("Carova", [9604,1707,9611,582,589,5385,8139], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
The large buds, shaggy barck, and round fruits (the split hulls of which often litter the ground beneath) make this tree distinctive.', "5", "FACU", 'Tree, shagbarck hickory', 'Carya ovata', 'Walnut family (Juglandaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Casses"] = new Plant("Casses", [321,319], "yellow", "May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants', "10", "", 'Downy yellow painted cup', 'Castilleja sessiliflora', 'Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Ceaame"] = new Plant("Ceaame", [1973,1974,6526], "white", "late June to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants', "9", "", 'New Jersey tea', 'Ceanothus americanus', 'Buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Celorb"] = new Plant("Celorb", [6138,6092,8513], "green", "", "invasive -- consider control", ":::: Restricted in Wisconsin ::::", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Sometimes referred to as "kudzu of the north". Distinguished from the native American bittersweet by its round leaves with short points and, more reliably, by it axial fruits (as opposed to the terminal fruits of American bittersweet).', "", "NI", 'Bittersweet, oriental', 'Celastrus orbiculatus', 'Bittersweet family (Celastraceae) ', ''); pbc.plants["Celsca"] = new Plant("Celsca", [7041,2320,67077,67081,9779], "green", "late May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Distinguished from the non-native oriental bittersweet by less round leaves with more pronounced point and, more reliably, by terminal (at the ends of stems) flower/fruit as opposed to the axial (growing from where leaf meets stem) flower/fruit of oriental bittersweet.', "3", "FACU*", 'Bittersweet, American', 'Celastrus scandens', 'Bittersweet family (Celastraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Celocc"] = new Plant("Celocc", [9557,9558], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
The warty bark is distinctive (on trees old enough to have developed it); alternatively, to quote the UWGB Herbarium link, \"The simple, alternate leaf of Celtis occidentalis, with three major veins originating at the asymetrical base, is very distinctive within the Wisconsin flora.\" The specimens in the county portion of the conservancy are all relatively young and under 20 feet tall.', "4", "FAC-", 'Tree, northern hackberry', 'Celtis occidentalis', 'Elm family (Ulmaceae)', 'common hackberry'); pbc.plants["Cenbie"] = new Plant("Cenbie", [52590,52591,52593,52597], "purple", "June to October", "invasive -- consider control", ":::: Restricted in Wisconsin ::::", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
Minnesota wildflowers
Missouri plants
This invasive has \"Restricted\" status in Wisconsin.', "", "", 'Spotted knapweed', 'Centaurea biebersteinii', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Cerfon"] = new Plant("Cerfon", [739,740], "white", "May to October", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Biennial/perennial. Petals roughly as long as the sepals.', "", "FACU", 'Chickweed, common', 'Cerastium fontanum', 'Pink family (Caryophyllaceae)', 'common mouse ear chickweed'); pbc.plants["Chafas"] = new Plant("Chafas", [8567,7553], "yellow", "early July to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Annual; some references say the leaves will fold up when touched, but I have yet to find a plant where that is true...', "3", "FACU-", 'Pea, partridge', 'Chamaechrista fasciculata', 'Caesalpinia family (Caesalpiniaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Chegla"] = new Plant("Chegla", [8654,8231], "white", "early July to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "7", "OBL", 'Turtlehead, white', 'Chelone glabra', 'Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Chealb"] = new Plant("Chealb", [1294,1296,1888], "", "June to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
According to the Flora of North America, lamb's quarters is \"one of the worst weeds and most widespread synanthropic [associated with human habitation] plants on the Earth\". Young leaves have fine hairs that make the leaves appear white. An annual found in disturbed areas.', "0", "FAC-", 'Lamb's quarters, common', 'Chenopodium album', 'Goosefoot family (Chenopodiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Cheglz"] = new Plant("Cheglz", [2021,2023,2019], "green", "May to September", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Michigan flora
An annual found at the edge of one of the sediment ponds.', "", "FACW", 'Goosefoot, oak-leaved', 'Chenopodium glaucum', 'Goosefoot family (Chenopodiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Chesim"] = new Plant("Chesim", [21078,21076,21077], "green", "June to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Michigan flora
A native annual mostly associated with woodlands.', "1", "", 'Goosefoot, maple-leaved', 'Chenopodium simplex', 'Goosefoot family (Chenopodiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Cicint"] = new Plant("Cicint", [21745], "blue", "July to October", "potentially invasive", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Common in disturbed areas, including along roadsides, where it can be plentiful in the buffer strip between the road and more settled soils.
From Illinois wildflowers: \"The roots of Common Chicory have been roasted to create a coffee-substitute; they are also used as an ingredient in some herbal teas.\"
I didn\'t realize I hadn\'t taken any pictures of this plant (except the one above, taken not because of the chicory but because of the leaf-cutter bee collecting at it) until I needed one; see the links for more pictures until next year!', "", "", 'Chicory', 'Cichorium intybus', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Cicbul"] = new Plant("Cicbul", [1848,2608,1850], "white", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "7", "OBL", 'Water hemlock, bulblet', 'Cicuta bulbifera', 'Carrot family (Apiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Cinaru"] = new Plant("Cinaru", [2366,2367,2364,2363], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Found in wetland woods. Spikelets single flowered, first glume single veined, second glume three veined, about as long as the lemma, which is short awned from the back and stipitate. Conspicuous fringed ligule and culm nodes, wide leaves.', "5", "FACW", 'Grass, common wood reed', 'Cinna arundinacea', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', 'stout wood reed'); pbc.plants["Cirlut"] = new Plant("Cirlut", [7033,7031], "white", "June to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Woodlands', "2", "FACU", 'Broad leaf enchanter's nightshade', 'Circaea lutetiana', 'Evening Primrose family (Onagraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Cirarv"] = new Plant("Cirarv", [6442,6846], "pink", "June to October", "invasive -- consider control", ":::: Restricted in Wisconsin ::::", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Perennial, clonal, native to Eurasia. From the eFlora link: \"Cirsium arvense is one of the most economically important agricultural weeds in the world. It was introduced to North America in the 1600s and soon was recognized as a problem weed. Weed control legislation against the species was passed by the Vermont legislature in 1795 (R. J. Moore 1975). Canada thistle is now listed as a noxious weed in most areas where it occurs. It has very high seed production, and the runner roots readily survive the fragmentation that accompanies cultivation.\"', "", "FACU", 'Thistle, Canada', 'Cirsium arvense', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Cirdis"] = new Plant("Cirdis", [7626,6968,6970], "pink", "mid July to early September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Roughly similar to bull thistle, but less robust/menacing, no stem spines, and undersides of leaves are white (in fact none of our non-native thistles have white leaf undersides).
This is a good thistle!', "4", "", 'Thistle, pasture', 'Cirsium discolor', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'field thistle'); pbc.plants["Cirmut"] = new Plant("Cirmut", [8162,8066,21506], "pink", "mid July to mid September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Bracts sticky, not spiny.', "8", "OBL", 'Thistle, swamp', 'Cirsium muticum', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Cirvul"] = new Plant("Cirvul", [7872,6266,7387], "pink", "June to October", "invasive -- consider control", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Minnesota wildflowers
Biennial', "", "FACU-", 'Thistle, bull', 'Cirsium vulgare', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Clevir"] = new Plant("Clevir", [52600,52603,52604], "white", "July to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Missouri plants
This viney species typically has male and female flowers on different plants - this is a male plant, not quite in full flower.', "4", "FAC", 'Virgin's bower', 'Clematis virginiana', 'Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)', 'devil's-darning-needle'); pbc.plants["Comumb"] = new Plant("Comumb", [15028,15253], "white", "early May to mid June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Minnesota wildflowers
Hemiparasitic (can derive some of its nutrients by drawing them from the roots of nearby plants).', "6", "FACU", 'Bastard toadflax', 'Comandra umbellata', 'Sandalwood family (Santalaceae)', 'false toadflax'); pbc.plants["Comcom"] = new Plant("Comcom", [9111,8976,8977], "blue", "July to September", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "", "FAC", 'Dayflower, Asiatic', 'Commelina communis', 'Dayflower family (Commelinaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Conarv"] = new Plant("Conarv", [20788,20789,20790], "white", "June to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Michigan flora
Minnesota wildflowers
Flowers and leaves smaller than the similar Morning Glory, with bracts well below the sepals.', "", "", 'Bindweed, field', 'Convolvulus arvensis', 'Bindweed family (Convolvulaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Concan"] = new Plant("Concan", [7475,7478], "white", "mid July to mid October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
A native annual weed.', "0", "FAC-", 'Horseweed, Canadian', 'Conyza canadensis', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Corpal"] = new Plant("Corpal", [6804,1726], "yellow", "mid June to early August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "8", "", 'Tickseed, prairie', 'Coreopsis palmata', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'prairie coreopsis'); pbc.plants["Cortri"] = new Plant("Cortri", [7682,7655,8304], "yellow", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Listed as "introduced - escaped" in Wisconsin.
Up to 9 feet tall.', "", "FAC", 'Coreopsis, tall', 'Coreopsis tripteris', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Coramo"] = new Plant("Coramo", [968,969,970,971], "white", "June to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
Found in the wetlands.', "4", "FACW+", 'Dogwood, silky', 'Cornus amomum', 'Dogwood family (Cornaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Corrac"] = new Plant("Corrac", [1280,8413,8414], "white", "May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Native but at times agressively clonal. More erect and less bushy than red osier dogwood, with mature stems gray instead of red.', "2", "FACW-", 'Dogwood, gray', 'Cornus racemosa', 'Dogwood family (Cornaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Corsto"] = new Plant("Corsto", [1709,881,5950,5949], "white", "May to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Native but aggressive in the wetlands, less frequent and less aggressive upland.', "3", "FACW", 'Dogwood, red-osier', 'Cornus stolonifera', 'Dogwood family (Cornaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Corvar"] = new Plant("Corvar", [6387,6141,6147,2569], "pink", "May to September", "invasive -- consider control", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Crown vetch is an invasive clonal species that forms dense mats that sprawl over and smother most ground vegetation - some restorationists consider crown vetch a prairie killer.
Crown vetch was at one time planted widely for erosion control (probably why it\'s not listed as restricted or prohibited in Wisconsin), a practice that has been slow to stop.', "", "", 'Crown vetch', 'Coronilla varia', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Corame"] = new Plant("Corame", [1674,9711,9713,9716,5], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Often forming stands of multiple erect branches. (Some leaves are displaying fall colors in the photos.)', "5", "FACU-", 'Hazelnut, American', 'Corylus americana', 'Birch family (Betulaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Cra"] = new Plant("Cra", [760,762,21718,9601,9603], "white", "", "", "", '', "", "", 'Hawthorn sp.', 'Crataegus', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Cretec"] = new Plant("Cretec", [29276,29277,29279,29278], "yellow", "June to October", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Michigan flora
Minnesota wildflowers
Annual.', "", "", 'Hawk's beard', 'Crepis tectorum', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Cusgro"] = new Plant("Cusgro", [7546,7845], "white", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
Michigan flora
The dodders lack chlorophyll and instead obtain their food via parasitism of the plants they attach to.', "", "", 'Dodder', 'Cuscuta gronovii', 'Dodder family (Cuscutaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Cypstr"] = new Plant("Cypstr", [8252], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/plants/floramw/species/cypestri.htm', "1", "FACW", 'Sedge, false nut', 'Cyperus strigosus', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', 'straw colored cyperus'); pbc.plants["Dacglo"] = new Plant("Dacglo", [1017,945,1018,1019], "", "", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Found throughout along disturbed edges.', "", "FACU", 'Grass, orchard', 'Dactlyis glomerata', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Dalcan"] = new Plant("Dalcan", [6666,6669], "white", "late June to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "8", "", 'Prairie clover, white', 'Dalea candida', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Dalpur"] = new Plant("Dalpur", [6664,6665], "purple", "July to late September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "7", "", 'Prairie clover, purple', 'Dalea purpurea', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Datstr"] = new Plant("Datstr", [22228,22055,22052], "white", "July to September", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Michigan flora
An annual, uncommon in disturbed areas.', "", "", 'Jimsonweed', 'Datura stramonium', 'Nightshade family (Solanaceae)', 'Thorn-apple'); pbc.plants["Daucar"] = new Plant("Daucar", [6193,6403], "white", "late June to early September", "invasive -- consider control", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Biennial', "", "", 'Queen Anne's lace', 'Daucus carota', 'Carrot family (Apiaceae)', 'wild carrot'); pbc.plants["Dessop"] = new Plant("Dessop", [15380,15381,15383], "yellow", "May to July", "potentially invasive", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
An occasional weed in disturbed places.', "", "", 'Flixweed', 'Descurainia sophia', 'Mustard family (Brassicaceae)', 'herb sophia, tansy mustard'); pbc.plants["Descan"] = new Plant("Descan", [7356,6875], "purple", "late June to early September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Distinguished from the otherwise similar Illinois tick trefoil by denser flowers and less \"fuzzy\" leaves with shorter petioles (leaf stems).', "4", "FAC-", 'Tick trefoil, Canadian', 'Desmodium canadense', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', 'showy tick trefoil'); pbc.plants["Desglu"] = new Plant("Desglu", [51995,51993,51996,51992], "pink", "July to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Missouri plants', "6", "", 'Pointed tick-trefoil', 'Desmodium glutinosum', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Desill"] = new Plant("Desill", [6799,7103,6978], "purple", "July to late August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "7", "", 'Tick trefoil, Illinois', 'Desmodium illinoense', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Diaarm"] = new Plant("Diaarm", [70434,70433], "pink", "July to August", " ", "", 'Annual or biennial.
Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Missouri plants
Flora of North America', "", "", 'Deptford pink', 'Dianthus armeria', 'Pink family (Caryophyllaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Diaobo"] = new Plant("Diaobo", [2078,1891,2089], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora', "", "", 'Grass, beak', 'Diarrhena obovata', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Dicoli"] = new Plant("Dicoli", [10136,10196,10176], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Leaves up to 1.5cm wide (wider than the other Dichanthelium at Pheasant Branch); purplish spot at the base of the second glume, panicle wider and spikelets larger than our other species.', "4", "", 'Grass, Scribner's panic', 'Dichanthelium oligosanthes', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', 'Panicum oligosanthes'); pbc.plants["Dicova"] = new Plant("Dicova", [10128,10094,10129,10364], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Distinguished among other Dichanthelium at Pheasant Branch by its smaller spikelets (1.8-3mm) and dense long hairs.', "7", "", 'Grass, stiff-leaved panic', 'Dichanthelium ovale', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', 'Panicum praecocius'); pbc.plants["Dicper"] = new Plant("Dicper", [10152,10149,10150], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Narrow blades, narrow spikes.', "7", "", 'Grass, long stalked panic', 'Dichanthelium perlongum', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', 'Panicum perlongum'); pbc.plants["Digisc"] = new Plant("Digisc", [3037,2897,2893], "", "", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
A weedy annual found in disturbed places (and lawns). Plants mostly hairless.', "", "", 'Grass, smooth crabgrass', 'Digitaria ischaemum', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Diovil"] = new Plant("Diovil", [1774,1776,1777], "white", "May to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
A dioecious vine known from one location.', "4", "FAC-", 'Wild yam', 'Dioscorea villosa', 'Yam family (Dioscoreaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Dodmea"] = new Plant("Dodmea", [773,8411,5064], "pink", "early May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "7", "FACU", 'Shooting star ', 'Dodecatheon meadia', 'Primrose family (Primulaceae)', 'eastern shooting star'); pbc.plants["Doeumb"] = new Plant("Doeumb", [2371,2373], "white", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Uncommon (as far as I know) in wetland thickets. Inflorescence indeed flat topped, with few (5-10) ray florets. Leaves thick, with impressed veins.', "6", "FACW", 'Aster, flat top', 'Doellingeria umbellata', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'Aster umbellatus'); pbc.plants["Echpal"] = new Plant("Echpal", [68728,6188,5672], "purple", "late June to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
A Wisconsin threatened species.
Pale purple coneflower can be distinguished from purple coneflower by the lack of "shoulders" on its narrow leaves compared to the rounded bases of purple-coneflower leaves.', "7", "", 'Coneflower, pale purple', 'Echinacea pallida', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Echpur"] = new Plant("Echpur", [6930,6934], "purple", "mid August to mid September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Purple coneflower can be distinguished from pale purple coneflower by the "shoulders" of its leaves, compared to the "shoulderless" more uniformly narrow leaves of pale purple coneflower.', "", "", 'Coneflower, purple', 'Echinacea purpurea', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Echcru"] = new Plant("Echcru", [9671,9672], "", "", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
Annual', "", "FACW", 'Grass, barnyard', 'Echinochloa crusgalli', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Echmur"] = new Plant("Echmur", [8340,8341], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Annual', "1", "OBL", 'Grass, awned barnyard', 'Echinochloa muricata', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Echlob"] = new Plant("Echlob", [7987,8969,21523], "white", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers', "2", "FACW-", 'Cucumber, wild', 'Echinocystis lobata', 'Cucumber family (Cucurbitaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Ele"] = new Plant("Ele", [965,966], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
I'm not sure which species (possibly multiple) occur at Pheasant Branch.', "", "", 'Sedge, spike rush', 'Eleocharis', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Elycan"] = new Plant("Elycan", [7039,7040], "", "mid July to mid August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "4", "FAC-", 'Grass, Canada wild rye', 'Elymus canadensis', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Elyhys"] = new Plant("Elyhys", [6957], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "6", "", 'Grass, bottlebrush', 'Elymus hystrix', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Elyvir"] = new Plant("Elyvir", [8394], "", "late June to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "6", "FACW-", 'Grass, Virginia wild rye', 'Elymus virginicus', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Elyrep"] = new Plant("Elyrep", [1123,1127,1129], "", "", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
http://www.eeob.iastate.edu/research/IowaGrasses/speciespages/ElymuRepen/ElymuRepen.html', "", "FACU", 'Grass, quack', 'Elytrigia repens', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', 'Agropyron repens'); pbc.plants["Epicol"] = new Plant("Epicol", [8900,2357], "purple", "July to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "3", "OBL", 'Willow herb, cinnamon', 'Epilobium coloratum', 'Evening Primrose family (Onagraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Equarv"] = new Plant("Equarv", [5571], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "1", "FAC", 'Horsetail, common', 'Equisetum arvense', 'Horsetail family (Equisetaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Equlae"] = new Plant("Equlae", [8570,28872,28871], "", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
I don't remember how I came to this identification; it could well be wrong, or there could even be multiple species pictured above...', "2", "FACW", 'Rush, smooth scouring', 'Equisetum laevigatum', 'Horsetail family (Equisetaceae)', 'smooth horsetail'); pbc.plants["Eraspe"] = new Plant("Eraspe", [7703], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Low to the ground.', "3", "UPL", 'Grass, purple love', 'Eragrostis spectabilis', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Erehie"] = new Plant("Erehie", [7842,7843], "yellow", "July to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Annual', "2", "FACU", 'Fireweed', 'Erechtites hieracifolia', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'pilewort'); pbc.plants["Eriann"] = new Plant("Eriann", [6099], "white", "late June to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
The similar daisy fleabane has more uniformly narrow leaves, fewer toothed leaves, and less hair.', "0", "FAC-", 'Fleabane, annual', 'Erigeron annuus', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Eriphi"] = new Plant("Eriphi", [812,814], "pink", "May to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Biennial or short-lived perennial.', "2", "FACW", 'Fleabane, marsh', 'Erigeron philadelphicus', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Eriang"] = new Plant("Eriang", [479,480,865,867], "white", "late April to mid May", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=242357812', "9", "OBL", 'Sedge, cotton grass', 'Eriophorum angustifolium', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', 'cotton sedge'); pbc.plants["Eryyuc"] = new Plant("Eryyuc", [5780,7262], "white", "early July to late August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora', "8", "FAC+", 'Rattlesnake master', 'Eryngium yuccifolium', 'Carrot family (Apiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Eupalt"] = new Plant("Eupalt", [8833,8834,8827], "white", "late July to early September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
3-6.5 feet tall', "4", "", 'Boneset, tall', 'Eupatorium altissimum', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Eupper"] = new Plant("Eupper", [7786,7787], "white", "late June to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "6", "FACW+", 'Boneset, common', 'Eupatorium perfoliatum', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Eupcor"] = new Plant("Eupcor", [6851,6852], "white", "late May to mid September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "4", "", 'Spurge, flowering', 'Euphorbia corollata', 'Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Eupesu"] = new Plant("Eupesu", [5971,6009,5324], "yellow", "mid May to early July", "invasive -- consider control", ":::: Restricted in Wisconsin ::::", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
A noxious weed under Wisconsin law; \"virtually impossible to eradicate\".
Some people have a reaction to the milky sap.', "", "", 'Spurge, leafy', 'Euphorbia esula', 'Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Eutgra"] = new Plant("Eutgra", [8478], "yellow", "early August to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Leaves distinctive among our goldenrods.', "4", "FACW-", 'Goldenrod, grass leaved', 'Euthamia graminifolia', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Eutmac"] = new Plant("Eutmac", [7366,7370,8261], "purple", "early July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Confusingly, spotted joe pye weed has stems colored solid purple, while purple joe pye weed (Eutrochium purpureum) has green stems spotted with purple at the leaf nodes! Otherwise the two are similar in appearance, although spotted joe pye weed is mostly a wetland plant and shorter than purple joe pye weed, which is more of a woodland plant.', "4", "OBL", 'Joe pye weed, spotted', 'Eutrochium maculatum', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Eutpur"] = new Plant("Eutpur", [7760,7761], "purple", "late July to mid August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Confusingly, spotted joe pye weed (Eutrochium maculatum) has stems colored solid purple, while purple joe pye weed has green stems spotted with purple at the leaf nodes! Otherwise the two are similar in appearance, although spotted joe pye weed is mostly a wetland plant and shorter than purple joe pye weed, which is more of a woodland plant.', "6", "FAC", 'Joe pye weed, purple', 'Eutrochium purpureum', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'green-stemmed joe pye weed, sweet joe pye weed'); pbc.plants["Fesaru"] = new Plant("Fesaru", [1275,1278], "", "", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
http://wiki.bugwood.org/Schedonorus_phoenix', "", "FACU+", 'Grass, tall fescue', 'Festuca arundinacea', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', 'rye grass'); pbc.plants["Fravir"] = new Plant("Fravir", [151], "white", "April to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants', "1", "FAC-", 'Strawberry, wild', 'Fragaria virginiana', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Frapen"] = new Plant("Frapen", [2227,2229,2243], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Dioecious; leaves compound, leaflets with short petioles, leaf scar a half circle, underside of leaf not conspicuously whitened.', "2", "FACW", 'Tree, green ash', 'Fraxinus pennsylvanica', 'Olive family (Oleaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Galapa"] = new Plant("Galapa", [5972,5209], "white", "May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
An annual typically with whorls of six leaves at each node.', "2", "FACU", 'Cleavers', 'Galium aparine', 'Madder family (Rubiaceae)', 'annual bedstraw, goosegrass'); pbc.plants["Galbor"] = new Plant("Galbor", [1307,1308,10393], "white", "early June to mid July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Missouri plants', "5", "FAC", 'Bedstraw, northern', 'Galium boreale', 'Madder family (Rubiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Galtri"] = new Plant("Galtri", [1826], "white", "June to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Three petaled flowers leading to two smooth fruits on a curved pedicel. Leaves whorled in fours.', "6", "FACW+", 'Bedstraw, small', 'Galium trifidum', 'Madder family (Rubiaceae)', 'northern three-lobed bedstraw'); pbc.plants["Gaubie"] = new Plant("Gaubie", [7622,7490], "white", "mid July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Biennial', "2", "FACU-", 'Gaura, biennial', 'Gaura biennis', 'Evening Primrose family (Onagraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Genalb"] = new Plant("Genalb", [8302,8135,8531], "white", "early August to late September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Threatened in Wisconsin.
The bee shown had to force its way into the flower to get to nectar at the base.', "7", "FACU", 'Gentian, cream', 'Gentiana alba', 'Gentian family (Gentianaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Genand"] = new Plant("Genand", [3071,8884,8877], "blue", "August to mid October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "6", "FACW", 'Gentian, bottle', 'Gentiana andrewsii', 'Gentian family (Gentianaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Genqui"] = new Plant("Genqui", [9397,9406], "purple", "early September to late October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Winter annual or biennial.', "7", "FAC", 'Gentian, stiff', 'Gentianella quinquefolia', 'Gentian family (Gentianaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Germac"] = new Plant("Germac", [583,585,371], "purple", "May to mid June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants', "4", "FACU", 'Geranium, wild', 'Geranium maculatum', 'Geranium family (Geraniaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Gersib"] = new Plant("Gersib", [9101], "", "August to August", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Annual/perennial in disturbed areas.', "", "", 'Cranesbill, Siberian', 'Geranium sibiricum', 'Geranium family (Geraniaceae)', 'Siberian geranium'); pbc.plants["Geuale"] = new Plant("Geuale", [6739,6740], "yellow", "May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin', "3", "FAC+", 'Avens, yellow', 'Geum aleppicum', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Geucan"] = new Plant("Geucan", [6587,6599], "white", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
Woodlands', "2", "FAC", 'Avens, white', 'Geum canadense', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Geuver"] = new Plant("Geuver", [592,593,598], "yellow", "April to May", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
The last photo is of a tree frog sitting on a burdock leaf right under the avens!', "5", "FAC-", 'Avens, spring', 'Geum vernum', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Glehed"] = new Plant("Glehed", [661,662], "purple", "April to June", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Also found in yards.', "", "FACU", 'Creeping charlie', 'Glechoma hederacea', 'Mint family (Lamiaceae)', 'ground ivy'); pbc.plants["Glystr"] = new Plant("Glystr", [1101,1154,1157], "", "July to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Inflorescence often purple-tinged.', "4", "OBL", 'Grass, fowl manna', 'Glyceria striata', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Hacvir"] = new Plant("Hacvir", [1704,1706,8331], "white", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants', "3", "FAC-", 'Stickseed', 'Hackelia virginiana', 'Borage family (Boraginaceae)', 'beggar's lice'); pbc.plants["Hassua"] = new Plant("Hassua", [8052,8054], "white", "late July to late September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin', "8", "OBL", 'Indian plantain, sweet', 'Hasteola suaveolens', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'sweet scented Indian plantain'); pbc.plants["Helaut"] = new Plant("Helaut", [8032,7831], "yellow", "mid July to mid October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Note the winged stems.', "4", "FACW+", 'Sneezeweed, common', 'Helenium autumnale', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Helcan"] = new Plant("Helcan", [2223,20994], "yellow", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin', "6", "", 'Rock rose, common', 'Helianthemum canadense', 'Rock rose family (Cistaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Helgig"] = new Plant("Helgig", [8911,8912,8914], "yellow", "July to mid September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Found in the wetlands.', "4", "FACW", 'Sunflower, giant', 'Helianthus giganteus', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Helgro"] = new Plant("Helgro", [8356,8357], "yellow", "late July to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Up to 12 feet tall.', "2", "FACW-", 'Sunflower, sawtooth', 'Helianthus grosseserratus', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Helhir"] = new Plant("Helhir", [9012,9014], "yellow", "late July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants', "5", "", 'Sunflower, hairy', 'Helianthus hirsutus', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Helocc"] = new Plant("Helocc", [7715,7977], "yellow", "mid July to mid September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
The stem has one pair or no leaves above the basal leaves.', "6", "FACU-", 'Sunflower, western', 'Helianthus occidentalis', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'few leaf sunflower'); pbc.plants["Helpau"] = new Plant("Helpau", [7528,7531], "yellow", "late July to mid September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "7", "", 'Sunflower, stiff', 'Helianthus pauciflorus', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'prairie sunflower'); pbc.plants["Helhel"] = new Plant("Helhel", [6203], "yellow", "June to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Leaves coarsely toothed and 3-veined.', "5", "", 'Oxeye', 'Heliopsis helianthoides', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'False sunflower'); pbc.plants["Hermax"] = new Plant("Hermax", [5718,5719], "white", "June to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora', "3", "FACW", 'Cowparsnip, common', 'Heracleum maximum', 'Carrot family (Apiaceae)', 'American cowparsnip'); pbc.plants["Hesmat"] = new Plant("Hesmat", [5296,6382], "purple/white", "May to September", "invasive -- consider control", ":::: Restricted in Wisconsin ::::", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Biennial; seed pods in the picture on the right.
Four-petaled flowers from white to purple; phloxes have similar looking flowers but five petals (as the word \"phlox\" has five letters).', "", "", 'Dame's rocket', 'Hesperis matronalis', 'Mustard family (Brassicaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Hesspa"] = new Plant("Hesspa", [15462,1231], "", "late May to late May", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
A C3 (cool season) grass. From Cochrane, "Prairie plants of the UW Arboretum":
"Needle grass florets are self-planting devices. The needle-sharp tip, aided by the upwardly directed hairs, orients the seed to the soil... The spirally twisted awn uncoils when damp and coils when dry, ratcheting the floret into the soil."', "9", "", 'Grass, needle', 'Hesperostipa spartea', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', 'porcupine grass'); pbc.plants["Heuric"] = new Plant("Heuric", [795,797], "green", "late May to mid July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
Minnesota wildflowers
Flora of North America', "7", "FAC-", 'Alumroot, prairie', 'Heuchera richardsonii', 'Saxifrage family (Saxifragaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Hibtri"] = new Plant("Hibtri", [31697,31695,31696], "white", "July to September", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
Minnesota wildflowers
Missouri plants', "", "", 'Flower-of-an-Hour', 'Hibiscus trionum', 'Mallow family (Malvaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Hiecae"] = new Plant("Hiecae", [29289,29291], "yellow", "May to September", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
Infrequent.', "", "", 'Hawkweed, field', 'Hieracium caespitosum', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Horjub"] = new Plant("Horjub", [20701], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
http://herbarium.usu.edu/treatments/Hordeum.htm#Hordeum_jubatum', "", "FAC+", 'Grass, foxtail barley', 'Hordeum jubatum', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', 'squirrel-tail barley'); pbc.plants["Humjap"] = new Plant("Humjap", [5720,5721], "red", "", "invasive -- consider control", ":::: Prohibited in Wisconsin ::::", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Annual; not yet common in Dane county or most of the rest of WI; discovered a few years ago at Pheasant Branch and now under careful watch/control.
Sometimes referred to as \"kudzu of the north\".', "", "FACU", 'Japanese hops', 'Humulus japonicus', 'Hemp family (Cannabinaceae)', 'Asian hops'); pbc.plants["Hypper"] = new Plant("Hypper", [6678], "yellow", "early June to early September", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "", "", 'St. John's wort, common', 'Hypericum perforatum', 'St. John's Wort family (Hypericaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Hyppun"] = new Plant("Hyppun", [1759,1761,2241], "yellow", "June to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants', "4", "FAC+", 'St. John's wort, spotted', 'Hypericum punctatum', 'St. John's Wort family (Hypericaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Hyppyr"] = new Plant("Hyppyr", [7007,7012], "yellow", "July to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "6", "FAC+", 'St. John's wort, great', 'Hypericum pyramidatum', 'St. John's Wort family (Hypericaceae)', 'Giant St. John's wort'); pbc.plants["Hyphir"] = new Plant("Hyphir", [626], "yellow", "mid May to late June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants', "8", "FAC", 'Star grass, yellow', 'Hypoxis hirsuta', 'Lily family (Liliaceae)', 'common gold star'); pbc.plants["Impcap"] = new Plant("Impcap", [6907,7429], "orange", "mid June to mid September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "2", "FACW", 'Jewelweed, orange', 'Impatiens capensis', 'Touch-Me-Not family (Balsaminaceae)', 'spotted touch me not'); pbc.plants["Ionlin"] = new Plant("Ionlin", [2908,2782,2815], "purple", "July to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=250067004', "8", "", 'Aster, flax leaved', 'Ionactis linariifolius', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'Stiff aster'); pbc.plants["Jugnig"] = new Plant("Jugnig", [5976,5975,7145], "green", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Black walnut stems have a distinctive smell.', "3", "FACU", 'Tree, black walnut', 'Juglans nigra', 'Walnut family (Juglandaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Jundud"] = new Plant("Jundud", [858,1438], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Leaf sheath auricles smooth, thickened, yellow/orange.', "4", "", 'Rush, Dudley's', 'Juncus dudleyi', 'Rush family (Juncaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Juneff"] = new Plant("Juneff", [1087], "green", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Grows in clumps of round, soft, finely striate, leaveless stems; the inflorescence looks like a continuation of the stem, with the inflorescence appearing to grow out of the side of the stem.', "4", "OBL", 'Rush, common', 'Juncus effusus', 'Rush family (Juncaceae)', 'soft rush'); pbc.plants["Junnod"] = new Plant("Junnod", [3174], "red", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Michigan flora
Blooming mid to late September.', "6", "OBL", 'Rush, joint', 'Juncus nodosus', 'Rush family (Juncaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Junten"] = new Plant("Junten", [1410], "green", "mid June to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Found on paths! You're stepping on it!', "1", "FAC", 'Rush, path', 'Juncus tenuis', 'Rush family (Juncaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Junvir"] = new Plant("Junvir", [2058,2055], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
A few young individuals on the hill. Leaves on older trees are mostly scalelike (see links for photos).', "3", "FACU", 'Tree, eastern red cedar', 'Juniperus virginiana', 'Cypress family (Cupressaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Koemac"] = new Plant("Koemac", [1240], "", "May to mid July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
http://www.eeob.iastate.edu/research/IowaGrasses/speciespages/KoeleMacra/KoeleMacra.html', "7", "", 'Grass, June', 'Koeleria macrantha', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Lacbie"] = new Plant("Lacbie", [1991,1992], "white", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Annual or biennial to 7 feet tall; stems smooth and milky (glabrous and glaucous).', "3", "FAC", 'Lettuce, woodland', 'Lactuca biennis', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'tall blue lettuce'); pbc.plants["Laccan"] = new Plant("Laccan", [2051,2053], "yellow", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
Stems smooth with a milky sheen (glabrous and glaucous), leaves clasping; purple tinges; seeds with tufts of white hair.', "2", "FACU+", 'Lettuce, tall wild', 'Lactuca canadensis', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Lacser"] = new Plant("Lacser", [7607,7608,7928], "yellow", "July to September", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Annual/biennial weed.', "", "FAC", 'Lettuce, prickly', 'Lactuca serriola', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Latpal"] = new Plant("Latpal", [29635,29637,29636], "purple", "June to late August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
Minnesota wildflowers
Stems often winged; stipules sharp-pointed; 2-6 flowers per inflorescence.', "5", "FACW", 'Pea, marsh', 'Lathyrus palustris', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', 'marsh vetchling'); pbc.plants["Latven"] = new Plant("Latven", [1040,6011,9550,9624], "purple", "mid May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
Stems lightly 4-angled, 8-14 leaflets per leaf, leafs terminating in tendrils. Note also the paired appendages (the one on the opposite side of the stem barely visible) at the base of the leaf (not leaflet) 1/3 down from the top in the last photo.', "6", "FAC", 'Pea, veiny', 'Lathyrus venosus', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Leeory"] = new Plant("Leeory", [8700,8603], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
This grass will cling on contact and can cut if you pull.', "3", "OBL", 'Grass, rice cut', 'Leersia oryzoides', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Lemmin"] = new Plant("Lemmin", [2388], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
A floating aquatic plant found in the streams flowing into the wetlands from the springs. Each leaf with a single root.', "4", "OBL", 'Duckweed, small', 'Lemna minor', 'Duckweed family (Lemnaceae)', 'common duckweed'); pbc.plants["Leocar"] = new Plant("Leocar", [5157,5892], "pink", "June to August", "invasive -- consider control", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "", "", 'Motherwort', 'Leonurus cardiaca', 'Mint family (Lamiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Lepvir"] = new Plant("Lepvir", [300,302,305], "white", "May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
A native winter annual/biennial weed.', "0", "FACU-", 'Peppergrass, common', 'Lepidium virginicum', 'Mustard family (Brassicaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Lescap"] = new Plant("Lescap", [7951,65176,7393,7398], "white", "late July to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Missouri plants', "5", "FACU", 'Bush clover, round headed', 'Lespedeza capitata', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Leuvul"] = new Plant("Leuvul", [1806,1807], "white", "June to August", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Surprisingly uncommon at Pheasant Branch.', "", "", 'Daisy, ox-eye', 'Leucanthemum vulgare', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'common daisy'); pbc.plants["Liaasp"] = new Plant("Liaasp", [8516], "purple", "mid July to mid September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Rough blazing star is quite similar in appearance; among the less technical differences that generally hold are longer peduncles (flower stems) and a noticeably larger terminal (top) flower on northern plains blazing star, the peduncles on rough blazing star much shorter than the flower and all flowers roughly the same size.', "5", "", 'Blazing star, rough', 'Liatris aspera', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Lialig"] = new Plant("Lialig", [8554,7798,8552], "purple", "July to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Northern plains blazing star is quite similar in appearance; among the less technical differences that generally hold are longer peduncles (flower stems) and a noticeably larger terminal (top) flower on northern plains blazing star, the peduncles on rough blazing star much shorter than the flower and all flowers roughly the same size.', "7", "NI", 'Blazing star, northern plains', 'Liatris ligulistylis', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'showy blazing star'); pbc.plants["Liapyc"] = new Plant("Liapyc", [7300,7297], "purple", "July to early September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "7", "FAC-", 'Gay feather, thick spike', 'Liatris pycnostachya', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'prairie blazing star'); pbc.plants["Linvul"] = new Plant("Linvul", [8786,8379], "yellow", "June to October", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "", "", 'Butter and eggs', 'Linaria vulgaris', 'Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Linsul"] = new Plant("Linsul", [7704,1667,1672,1670], "yellow", "June to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
A successful annual (well, aren't they all?).', "8", "", 'Flax, grooved yellow', 'Linum sulcatum', 'Flax family (Linaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Litcan"] = new Plant("Litcan", [749,616], "yellow", "late April to late June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants', "10", "", 'Puccoon, hoary', 'Lithospermum canescens', 'Borage family (Boraginaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Litinc"] = new Plant("Litinc", [14985,14986], "yellow", "early May to mid June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers', "8", "", 'Puccoon, fringed', 'Lithospermum incisum', 'Borage family (Boraginaceae)', 'narrow leaved puccoon'); pbc.plants["Lobcar"] = new Plant("Lobcar", [7778,7781], "red", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "7", "OBL", 'Cardinal flower', 'Lobelia cardinalis', 'Bellflower family (Campanulaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Lobsip"] = new Plant("Lobsip", [8181,8177], "blue", "late July to mid October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "5", "FACW+", 'Lobelia, great blue', 'Lobelia siphilitica', 'Bellflower family (Campanulaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Lobspi"] = new Plant("Lobspi", [1595,10266,6361], "purple", "late May to early September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "6", "FAC", 'Lobelia, pale spike', 'Lobelia spicata', 'Bellflower family (Campanulaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Lon"] = new Plant("Lon", [1789,6353], "white", "", "invasive -- consider control", ":::: Restricted in Wisconsin ::::", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "", "NI", 'Honeysuckle', 'Lonicera', 'Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Lotcor"] = new Plant("Lotcor", [20637,6401], "yellow", "June to August", "invasive -- consider control", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "", "", 'Bird's foot trefoil', 'Lotus corniculata', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Lupper"] = new Plant("Lupper", [5536,5804], "purple", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "6", "", 'Wild lupine', 'Lupinus perennis', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Lycame"] = new Plant("Lycame", [7784,7602], "white", "early July to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "4", "OBL", 'Water horehound, common', 'Lycopus americanus', 'Mint family (Lamiaceae)', 'American bugleweed'); pbc.plants["Lycuni"] = new Plant("Lycuni", [8959,8960], "white", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
', "4", "OBL", 'Northern bugleweed', 'Lycopus uniflorus', 'Mint family (Lamiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Lyscil"] = new Plant("Lyscil", [8049,8051,1602], "yellow", "late June to early August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Note the fringe of hairs along the leaf stems.', "5", "FACW", 'Loosestrife, fringed', 'Lysimachia ciliata', 'Primrose family (Primulaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Lysqua"] = new Plant("Lysqua", [8713,8081,1839], "yellow", "early July to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin', "9", "OBL", 'Loosestrife, narrow leaved', 'Lysimachia quadriflora', 'Primrose family (Primulaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Lysthy"] = new Plant("Lysthy", [1361,1362,2167], "yellow", "May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Michigan flora', "7", "OBL", 'Loosestrife, swamp', 'Lysimachia thyrsiflora', 'Primrose family (Primulaceae)', 'tufted loosestrife'); pbc.plants["Lytsal"] = new Plant("Lytsal", [53550,53549,2099,2098], "purple", "July to September", "invasive -- consider control", ":::: Restricted in Wisconsin ::::", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Occasional plants found in the wetlands (not yet in large clumps!). Long terminal spike of 6-petaled purple/pink flowers; (mostly) opposite stemless leaves.', "", "OBL", 'Loosestrife, purple', 'Lythrum salicaria', 'Loosestrife family (Lythraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Malneg"] = new Plant("Malneg", [9430,9435], "white", "June to October", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Annual.', "", "", 'Cheeses', 'Malva neglecta', 'Mallow family (Malvaceae)', 'Common mallow'); pbc.plants["Matdis"] = new Plant("Matdis", [1383,1384], "yellow", "May to September", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
An annual doing what it does in the county parking lot. Bruised leaves smell like pineapple! Native to the northwest U.S.', "", "FACU", 'Pineapple weed', 'Matricaria discoidea', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Medlup"] = new Plant("Medlup", [722], "yellow", "May to September", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
A common annual/biennial weed.', "", "", 'Black medick', 'Medicago lupulina', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Medsat"] = new Plant("Medsat", [5937,6198], "purple", "June to September", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
Minnesota wildflowers
Missouri plants', "", "", 'Alfalfa', 'Medicago sativa', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Melalb"] = new Plant("Melalb", [6477,30096,30066,6538], "white", "mid June to July", "invasive -- consider control", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Biennial or annual; typically larger than yellow sweet clover and blooms a few weeks later, but otherwise very similar.
In the third photo, all of the patchy white areas on the hillside are white sweet clover.', "", "FACU", 'Sweet clover, white', 'Melilotus alba', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Meloff"] = new Plant("Meloff", [5956], "yellow", "late May to early August", "invasive -- consider control", ":::: Restricted in Wisconsin ::::", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Biennial or annual.
White sweet clover is very similar but slightly larger with white flowers and bloom date a couple of weeks later.', "", "FACU", 'Sweet clover, yellow', 'Melilotus officinalis', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Menarv"] = new Plant("Menarv", [1843], "white", "late June to mid September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Leaves strongly aromatic.', "3", "FACW", 'Mint, wild', 'Mentha arvensis', 'Mint family (Lamiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Mervir"] = new Plant("Mervir", [74287,74288], "purple", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Missouri plants', "4", "FACW", 'Virginia Bluebells', 'Mertensia virginica ', 'Borage family (Boraginaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Mimgla"] = new Plant("Mimgla", [899,892,894,902], "yellow", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Grows on stream beds at the springs.', "9", "OBL", 'Monkeyflower, round leaved', 'Mimulus glabratus', 'Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Mimrin"] = new Plant("Mimrin", [2110,2109,2105,2199], "blue", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
The plant in the last photo had all white flowers.', "6", "OBL", 'Monkey flower, Allegheny', 'Mimulus ringens', 'Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Mirnyc"] = new Plant("Mirnyc", [6513], "purple", "May to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "1", "UPL*", 'Wild four-o'clock', 'Mirabilis nyctaginea', 'Four-O'Clock family (Nyctaginaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Missac"] = new Plant("Missac", [9597,9598], "", "", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
I\'ve only seen a single clump.', "", "", 'Grass, Japanese plume', 'Miscanthus sacchariflorus', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', 'amur silver grass'); pbc.plants["Monfis"] = new Plant("Monfis", [5686,7169], "purple", "late June to early September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "3", "FACU", 'Bergamot', 'Monarda fistulosa', 'Mint family (Lamiaceae)', 'wild bergamot'); pbc.plants["Monpun"] = new Plant("Monpun", [7567,7568], "yellow", "late June to mid September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
The lavender \"petals\" are bracts; this mint is seldom over 2 feet tall.', "3", "UPL", 'Horsemint, dotted', 'Monarda punctata', 'Mint family (Lamiaceae)', 'spotted bee balm'); pbc.plants["Moralb"] = new Plant("Moralb", [10312,6131,6132,6346], "", "", "invasive -- consider control", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Leaves highly variable even on individual plants, from simple to deeply lobed; cut stems ooze a milky sap.', "", "FAC", 'Tree, white mulberry', 'Morus alba', 'Mulberry family (Moraceae)', 'Russian mulberry'); pbc.plants["Muhmex"] = new Plant("Muhmex", [9505,9687,9698], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
http://www.eeob.iastate.edu/research/IowaGrasses/speciespages/MuhleMexic/MuhleMexic.html', "4", "FACW", 'Grass, leafy satin', 'Muhlenbergia mexicana ', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', 'Mexican muhly'); pbc.plants["Napdio"] = new Plant("Napdio", [1714,1716,6076,6074,6075], "white", "late June to mid August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
A species of special concern in Wisconsin, but fairly common at Pheasant Branch.
Glade mallow is dioecious, meaning it has male and female flowers on different plants - silhouettes of the male flowers can be seen in the first picture and those of the female flowers in the second picture.', "6", "FACW-", 'Glade mallow', 'Napaea dioica', 'Mallow family (Malvaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Nasoff"] = new Plant("Nasoff", [1635,6220,891,887,3204], "white", "May to October", "invasive -- consider control", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
Grows along the shore at the springs.', "", "OBL", 'Watercress', 'Nasturtium officinale', 'Mustard family (Brassicaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Nepcat"] = new Plant("Nepcat", [5674,6694], "white", "July to August", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "", "FAC-", 'Catnip', 'Nepeta cataria', 'Mint family (Lamiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Oenbie"] = new Plant("Oenbie", [2299,7616], "yellow", "early June to mid October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Biennial or short lived perennial.', "1", "FACU", 'Evening primrose, common', 'Oenothera biennis', 'Evening Primrose family (Onagraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Olirig"] = new Plant("Olirig", [8503,8504], "yellow", "early August to late September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Distinctive leaves (color, texture, and basal leaves) amongst our goldenrods.', "5", "FACU-", 'Goldenrod, stiff', 'Oligoneuron rigidum', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Onosen"] = new Plant("Onosen", [2176,2361], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
The last picture is of the fertile frond.', "5", "FACW", 'Fern, sensitive', 'Onoclea sensibilis', 'Sensitive Fern family (Onocleaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Osmcla"] = new Plant("Osmcla", [784,786], "white", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Hairier than smooth sweet cicely, with no odor.', "5", "FACU-", 'Cicely, sweet', 'Osmorhiza claytonii', 'Carrot family (Apiaceae)', 'hairy sweet cicely, bland sweet cicely'); pbc.plants["Osmlon"] = new Plant("Osmlon", [751,752,15257,15261], "white", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Crushed leaves have an anise odor.', "4", "FACU-", 'Cicely, smooth sweet', 'Osmorhiza longistylis', 'Carrot family (Apiaceae)', 'aniseroot, long-styled sweet cicely'); pbc.plants["Oxadil"] = new Plant("Oxadil", [8997,9661], "yellow", "May to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
A native weed.', "0", "FACU", 'Oxalis, common yellow', 'Oxalis dillenii', 'Wood sorrel family (Oxalidaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Oxavio"] = new Plant("Oxavio", [14908,7961,117], "purple", "late April to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
The primary blooming period is late April through June, but occasional blooming plants lacking foliage can occur in late summer or fall, as in the first image above.', "8", "", 'Wood sorrel, violet', 'Oxalis violacea', 'Wood Sorrel family (Oxalidaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Oxyrig"] = new Plant("Oxyrig", [7821,7823,8199], "white", "late July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "6", "OBL", 'Cowbane, stiff', 'Oxypolis rigidior', 'Carrot family (Apiaceae)', 'cowbane'); pbc.plants["Pacpau"] = new Plant("Pacpau", [15317,15320,717], "yellow", "mid May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=242416912', "4", "FAC+", 'Ragwort, northern', 'Packera paupercula', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'balsam groundsel'); pbc.plants["Pacpse"] = new Plant("Pacpse", [820,517,15432], "yellow", "mid May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants', "8", "FACW", 'Ragwort, western golden', 'Packera pseudaurea', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'Senecio aureus, heart-leaved groundsel'); pbc.plants["Pancap"] = new Plant("Pancap", [9265,2763,2769], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
An infrequent annual grass.', "1", "FAC", 'Grass, witch', 'Panicum capillare', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Panvir"] = new Plant("Panvir", [1433,1434,7904,7267], "", "July to early September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
The second photo is supposed to show hairs at the base of the upper leaf surface (not always present).', "4", "FAC+", 'Grass, switch', 'Panicum virgatum', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Pargla"] = new Plant("Pargla", [31778,31779], "white", "August to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Michigan flora', "8", "OBL", 'Grass-of-Parnassus', 'Parnassia glauca', 'Saxifrage family (Saxifragaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Parint"] = new Plant("Parint", [6174,6677], "white", "late June to early September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "8", "", 'Wild quinine', 'Parthenium integrifolium', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Parqui"] = new Plant("Parqui", [5512,5541], "green", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "5", "FAC-", 'Virginia creeper', 'Parthenocissus quinquefolia', 'Grape family (Vitaceae)', 'woodbine'); pbc.plants["Passat"] = new Plant("Passat", [1138,1135,1133,6704], "yellow", "late June to early September", "invasive -- consider control", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Caution! from \"Prairie Plants of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum\", p. 47:
\"Chemical compounds ... in the stem and leaf sap can cause phytophotodermatitis: red blotches, rashes, and blisters will appear on skin within hours and usually worsen during following days.\"
Stout, tall, stems grooved (as in celery), flat yellow inflorescence.', "", "", 'Parsnip, wild', 'Pastinaca sativa', 'Carrot family (Apiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Pedcan"] = new Plant("Pedcan", [65880,285,9578,6130], "yellow", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Wood betony can be parasitic on the roots of nearby plants.', "8", "FACU+", 'Betony, wood', 'Pedicularis canadensis', 'Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Pedlan"] = new Plant("Pedlan", [9281,8085], "white", "early August to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "8", "FACW+", 'Betony, swamp', 'Pedicularis lanceolata', 'Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae)', 'swamp lousewort'); pbc.plants["Pendig"] = new Plant("Pendig", [6421,6416], "white", "mid June to mid July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "", "FAC-", 'Beard tongue, foxglove', 'Penstemon digitalis', 'Snapdragon family (Scrophulariaceae)', 'tall beard-tongue'); pbc.plants["Pengra"] = new Plant("Pengra", [5714,10228,10230], "purple", "early June to early July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Dry locations.', "4", "", 'Beard tongue, large flowered', 'Penstemon grandiflorus', 'Snapdragon family (Scrophulariaceae)', 'Large-flowered penstemon'); pbc.plants["Peramp"] = new Plant("Peramp", [8206,8214], "pink", "late June to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "5", "OBL", 'Smartweed, water', 'Persicaria amphibia', 'Buckwheat family (Polygonaceae)', 'scarlet smartweed'); pbc.plants["Permac"] = new Plant("Permac", [7190,7192], "white", "July to September", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Annual.', "", "FACW", 'Heart's ease', 'Persicaria maculosa', 'Knotweed family (Polygonaceae)', 'Lady's thumb'); pbc.plants["Phaaru"] = new Plant("Phaaru", [6503,6497,6547], "", "June to July", "invasive -- consider control", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "", "FACW+", 'Grass, reed canary', 'Phalaris arundinacea', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Phlpra"] = new Plant("Phlpra", [9034,9290,1431], "", "", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "", "FACU", 'Grass, timothy', 'Phleum pratense', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Phldiv"] = new Plant("Phldiv", [75098,65841], "purple", "April to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Missouri plants
Michigan flora', "7", "FACU", 'Phlox, wild blue', 'Phlox divaricata', 'Phlox family (Polemoniaceae)', 'woodland phlox'); pbc.plants["Phraus"] = new Plant("Phraus", [2726,2725], "", "", "", ":::: Restricted in Wisconsin ::::", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Up to 16 feet tall, forming large and/or dense clones in wet areas (including some roadside ditches). Invasive, under active control at Pheasant Branch. (Wisplants lists phragmites as native since there is a North American native strain, but there are also strains growing in WI and much of the rest of the US that originated outside of the US - I'm not sure yet which strain(s) we have at Pheasant Branch.)', "1", "FACW+", 'Grass, phragmites', 'Phragmites australis', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', 'giant reed, common reed'); pbc.plants["Phrlep"] = new Plant("Phrlep", [8494,8495,6714], "pink", "July to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "5", "UPL*", 'Lopseed', 'Phryma leptostachya', 'Lopseed family (Phrymaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Phyhet"] = new Plant("Phyhet", [7000,7006], "yellow", "early June to late August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "3", "", 'Ground cherry, clammy', 'Physalis heterophylla', 'Nightshade family (Solanaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Phylon"] = new Plant("Phylon", [2755,2756], "yellow", "July to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
Leaves mostly hairless; green berry.', "2", "", 'Ground cherry, tall', 'Physalis longifolia', 'Nightshade family (Solanaceae)', 'Long leaved ground cherry'); pbc.plants["Phyvir"] = new Plant("Phyvir", [7515,7519], "yellow", "late May to early September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
', "4", "", 'Ground cherry, Virginia', 'Physalis virginiana', 'Nightshade family (Solanaceae)', 'lance leaved ground cherry'); pbc.plants["Phyame"] = new Plant("Phyame", [2310,2315,2317,5887], "white", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=220010427', "1", "FAC-", 'Pokeweed', 'Phytolacca americana', 'Pokeweed family (Phytolaccaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Pilpum"] = new Plant("Pilpum", [8887], "green", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Annual found in moist locations. This member of the nettle family lacks stinging hairs.', "3", "FACW", 'Clearweed', 'Pilea pumila', 'Nettle family (Urticaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Plalan"] = new Plant("Plalan", [5675,5676], "white", "June to August", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "", "FAC", 'Plantain, English', 'Plantago lanceolata', 'Plantain family (Plantaginaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Plamaj"] = new Plant("Plamaj", [1984,1983], "green", "June to August", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
A common weed on paths (and lawns).', "", "FAC+", 'Plantain, common', 'Plantago major', 'Plantain family (Plantaginaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Plarug"] = new Plant("Plarug", [1695,1696], "white", "June to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
A common weed on trails, lawns, and sidewalk cracks.', "0", "FAC", 'Plantain, red stalked', 'Plantago rugelii', 'Plantain family (Plantaginaceae)', 'Rugel's plantain'); pbc.plants["Poacom"] = new Plant("Poacom", [1408], "", "", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Superficially similar to Kentucky bluegrass, but the Canada bluegrass stem is flattened (try rolling it between your fingers) whereas the Kentucky bluegrass stem is round. Also cottony hairs at the base of the lemmas of Canada bluegrass are sparse or absent, whereas they are plentiful and obvious in Kentucky bluegrass. All Poas have ends of leaves shaped like the hull of a boat.', "", "FACU+", 'Grass, Canada bluegrass', 'Poa compressa', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Poapal"] = new Plant("Poapal", [1267,1269,1536], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Found in the wetlands, occasionally further upland.', "5", "FACW+", 'Grass, marsh bluegrass', 'Poa palustris', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', 'fowl meadow grass'); pbc.plants["Poapra"] = new Plant("Poapra", [8963,552], "", "", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Found throughout. Kentucky bluegerass is superficially similar to Canada bluegrass, but the Canada bluegrass stem is flattened (try rolling it between your fingers) whereas the Kentucky bluegrass stem is round. Also cottony hairs at the base of the lemmas of Canada bluegrass are sparse or absent, whereas they are plentiful and obvious in Kentucky bluegrass. All Poas have ends of leaves shaped like the hull of a boat.', "", "FAC-", 'Grass, Kentucky bluegrass', 'Poa pratensis', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Polrep"] = new Plant("Polrep", [575,577], "purple", "early May to mid June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants', "6", "FAC", 'Jacob's ladder, spreading', 'Polemonium reptans', 'Phlox family (Polemoniaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Polsen"] = new Plant("Polsen", [776,777,779,780], "white", "early May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Found on the hill.', "8", "FACU", 'Snakeroot, Seneca', 'Polygala senega', 'Milkwort family (Polygalaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Polcom"] = new Plant("Polcom", [6001,7899], "white", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "4", "FACU", 'Solomon's seal', 'Polygonatum commutatum', 'Lily family (Liliaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Polavi"] = new Plant("Polavi", [1986,1985], "white", "August to October", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
An annual weed found on paths, parking lots, and sidewalk cracks.', "", "FAC-", 'Knotweed, common', 'Polygonum aviculare', 'Buckwheat family (Polygonaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Polcon"] = new Plant("Polcon", [1764,1766], "white", "", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
An annual vine.', "", "FAC-", 'Bindweed, black', 'Polygonum convolvulus', 'Knotweed family (Polygonaceae)', 'false buckwheat'); pbc.plants["Polpun"] = new Plant("Polpun", [8439,8438], "white", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Perennial/annual.', "5", "OBL", 'Smartweed, dotted', 'Polygonum punctatum', 'Buckwheat family (Polygonaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Polvir"] = new Plant("Polvir", [8424,2091,7421], "white", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
Note the sheath at the leaf nodes.', "7", "FAC", 'Knotweed, woodland', 'Polygonum virginianum', 'Buckwheat family (Polygonaceae)', 'jumpseed'); pbc.plants["Popdel"] = new Plant("Popdel", [9620,9621,9641,563,566], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
http://www.uwgb.edu/biodiversity/herbarium/trees/popdel01.htm', "2", "FAC+", 'Tree, cottonwood', 'Populus deltoides', 'Willow family (Salicaceae)', 'eastern cottonwood, plains cottonwood'); pbc.plants["Poptre"] = new Plant("Poptre", [2368,5349], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Native but aggressive, spreading by underground rhizomes to form clones that can invade prairie edges. The only mature trees on the county side are in the wetland.', "2", "FAC", 'Tree, quaking aspen', 'Populus tremuloides', 'Willow family (Salicaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Porole"] = new Plant("Porole", [21572,21573], "yellow", "June to September", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
According to eFlora, this plant \"is a very aggressive weed, one of the ten most noxious weeds worldwide\" - at Pheasant Branch it's merely an occasional annual weed of disturbed places.', "", "FAC-", 'Purslane, common', 'Portulaca oleracea', 'Portulaca family (Portulaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Potarg"] = new Plant("Potarg", [1217,1218,1390], "yellow", "May to September", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Found in the prairies. Undersides of leaves silvery hairy.', "", "FACU", 'Cinquefoil, silvery', 'Potentilla argentea', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Potarg"] = new Plant("Potarg", [6780,6781], "white", "June to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "7", "FACU-", 'Cinquefoil, tall', 'Potentilla arguta', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', 'prairie cinquefoil'); pbc.plants["Potnor"] = new Plant("Potnor", [8017,8028], "yellow", "June to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Anuual, biennial, or short lived perennial.
Illinois wildflowers lists this species as adventive, while Wisflora lists it as native (with a C value of 0!). Perhaps both are correct, according to Cochrane (Prairie Plants, p. 306): \"This species is native to Europe as well as North America, and as noted by E. G. Voss, \\\'It is quite likely that both native and European forms now occur here.\\\'\"', "0", "FAC", 'Cinquefoil, rough', 'Potentilla norvegica', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', 'Norwegian cinquefoil'); pbc.plants["Potrec"] = new Plant("Potrec", [6429], "yellow", "June to October", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "", "", 'Cinquefoil, sulphur', 'Potentilla recta', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Potsim"] = new Plant("Potsim", [790,794], "yellow", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Common cinquefoil sprawls along the ground, whereas rough cinquefoil grows upright.', "2", "FACU-", 'Cinquefoil, common', 'Potentilla simplex', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', 'old field cinquefoil'); pbc.plants["Prealb"] = new Plant("Prealb", [9383,9385,78407], "pink", "early August to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "5", "FACU", 'Lion's foot', 'Prenanthes alba', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'rattlesnake root, white lettuce'); pbc.plants["Pruvul"] = new Plant("Pruvul", [8308], "purple", "June to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
A non-native relative sometimes appears in lawns.', "1", "FAC", 'Heal all', 'Prunella vulgaris', 'Mint family (Lamiaceae)', 'self heal'); pbc.plants["Pruame"] = new Plant("Pruame", [5967,14768,14762], "white", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Note the distinctive \"spike\" branches.', "3", "UPL", 'Wild plum', 'Prunus americana', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Prupum"] = new Plant("Prupum", [329,1665], "white", "mid May to early July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
All known specimens at Pheasant Branch are under a foot tall. Leaves point up and are toothed only above the middle of the leaf.', "9", "", 'Cherry, sand', 'Prunus pumila', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Pruser"] = new Plant("Pruser", [8121,9476,9572,5329], "white", "June to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Note the picture of the underside of a leaf showing toward the bottom of the leaf what the UWGB Herbarium describes as \"a very conspicuous band of brownish hairs along the midrib\".
In the county portion of the conservancy the large black cherries have been removed to restore the area to a more natural oak savanna setting.', "3", "FACU", 'Tree, wild black cherry', 'Prunus serotina', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Pruvir"] = new Plant("Pruvir", [5952,1962,652], "white", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Scratched twigs have either a bitter disagreeable odor or a pleasant almond odor, depending on how you work the twig; leaves more round and wider than black cherry.', "3", "FAC-", 'Chokecherry', 'Prunus virginiana', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Pseobt"] = new Plant("Pseobt", [8369], "yellow", "August to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Annual', "3", "", 'Everlasting, sweet', 'Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Pycvir"] = new Plant("Pycvir", [7575,7142], "white", "early July to mid September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "6", "FACW+", 'Mint, mountain', 'Pycnanthemum virginianum', 'Mint family (Lamiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Quemac"] = new Plant("Quemac", [9465,9467,7855,5355,5801], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
The fringed acorns are the surest identifier; younger branches can appear \"corky\", as above, but not always; leaf shape is variable, but lobes are always rounded, not pointed. To my knowledge, this is the only member of the white oak group in the county portion of the conservancy, so if you see an oak with round lobed leaves, then it\'s probably a bur oak.', "5", "FAC-", 'Tree, bur oak', 'Quercus macrocarpa', 'Beech family (Fagaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Quevel"] = new Plant("Quevel", [9473,9731,9752,9742,9553], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
To my knowledge, this is the only member of the red oak group that appears in the county portion of the conservancy. Leaves that grow in shade (the last image) can be much less shallowly lobed than the typical black oak leaf (the first image).', "5", "", 'Tree, black oak', 'Quercus velutina', 'Beech family (Fagaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Ranabo"] = new Plant("Ranabo", [194,137,145], "yellow", "April to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Biennial/short lived perennial.', "1", "FACW-", 'Buttercup, little leaf', 'Ranunculus abortivus', 'Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)', 'small flowered buttercup'); pbc.plants["Ranfas"] = new Plant("Ranfas", [69642,69641], "yellow", "April to May", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Missouri plants
Flora of North America', "6", "FACU", 'Early buttercup', 'Ranunculus fascicularis', 'Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Ranpen"] = new Plant("Ranpen", [7774,7775], "yellow", "May to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Annual/biennial.', "6", "FAC", 'Buttercup, bristly', 'Ranunculus pensylvanicus', 'Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Ransce"] = new Plant("Ransce", [13897,13899,14999], "yellow", "April to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Annual or short-lived perennial found in the wetlands - I\'ve only seen one plant, in a mud flat along a stream. The foliage contains toxins that can cause blistering - according to the eFlora link: \"Ranunculus sceleratus varieties were used by the Thompson Indians as a poison for their arrow points (D. E. Moerman 1986).\"', "3", "OBL", 'Cursed crowfoot', 'Ranunculus sceleratus', 'Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)', 'celery leaf buttercup'); pbc.plants["Ratpin"] = new Plant("Ratpin", [7097,6973], "yellow", "July to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "4", "", 'Coneflower, yellow', 'Ratibida pinnata', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Rhacat"] = new Plant("Rhacat", [27750,10327,6089,6087,2572], "green", "", "invasive -- consider control", ":::: Restricted in Wisconsin ::::", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
Minnesota wildflowers
Common indeed! New seedlings have distinctive \"elephant ear\" cotyledons. Note the inconspicuous green flowers in the first image.', "", "FACU", 'Buckthorn, common', 'Rhamnus cathartica', 'Buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Rhafra"] = new Plant("Rhafra", [1399,1401], "green", "", "invasive -- consider control", ":::: Restricted in Wisconsin ::::", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Uncommon at Pheasant Branch, but apparently just as invasive as common buckthorn in wet areas in other parts of the state.', "", "FAC+", 'Buckthorn, glossy', 'Rhamnus frangula', 'Buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Rhuaro"] = new Plant("Rhuaro", [7976,9547,9548,634], "green", "April to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
A special concern plant in WI.', "10", "", 'Sumac, fragrant', 'Rhus aromatica', 'Cashew family (Anacardiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Rhugla"] = new Plant("Rhugla", [9514,9536,1001,6094], "", "mid June to mid July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Smooth sumac is native but can easily form large clones that shade out anything growing beneath them (note the large rhizome visible in one of the pictures above).
Smooth sumac and staghorn sumac are easily distinguished: smooth sumac is indeed smooth throughout and has a milky coating on younger stems, while the newer stems of staghorn sumac are hairy.', "2", "", 'Sumac, smooth', 'Rhus glabra', 'Cashew family (Anacardiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Rhuhir"] = new Plant("Rhuhir", [9042,6116], "", "early June to mid July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Staghorn sumac is native but can easily form large clones that shade out anything growing beneath it.
Smooth sumac and staghorn sumac are easily distinguished: smooth sumac is indeed smooth throughout and has a milky coating on younger stems, while the newer stems of staghorn sumac are hairy.', "2", "", 'Sumac, staghorn', 'Rhus hirta', 'Cashew family (Anacardiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Ribame"] = new Plant("Ribame", [290,14967], "green", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
No thorns, racemes of 5-15 flowers, black berries.', "4", "FACW", 'Currant, American black', 'Ribes americanum', 'Gooseberry family (Grossulariaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Ribmis"] = new Plant("Ribmis", [508,513,9490], "white", "May to May", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Stout thorns at leaf nodes, smaller thorns along older stems.', "4", "", 'Gooseberry, Missouri', 'Ribes missouriense', 'Gooseberry family (Grossulariaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Robpse"] = new Plant("Robpse", [5859,6142,1065,1066], "white", "", "invasive -- consider control", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Native to the southeast US, young trees found at Pheasant Branch scattered in the prairie in the northwest corner.', "", "FACU-", 'Tree, black locust', 'Robinia pseudoacacia', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Rosark"] = new Plant("Rosark", [6818,20498,9542,20500,20501], "pink", "late May to late September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
Minnesota wildflowers', "5", "NI", 'Rose, prairie', 'Rosa arkansana', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Rosbla"] = new Plant("Rosbla", [49168,49169,49170,49173,49176], "pink", "June to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
3-4 feet tall.', "4", "FACU", 'Early wild rose', 'Rosa blanda', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Rosmul"] = new Plant("Rosmul", [5866,5865,5871], "white", "late May to June", "invasive -- consider control", ":::: Restricted in Wisconsin ::::", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Distinguished from native roses by flower color and size (natives are mostly pinker and larger), smaller hips (fruits), recurved thorns, and fringes at petiole bases (bases of leaf stems).
A Wisconsin noxious weed - if you accidentally walk into a plant it will let you know.', "", "FACU", 'Multiflora rose', 'Rosa multiflora', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Rospal"] = new Plant("Rospal", [10417,10418,10419,10420,10441], "pink", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
A 3-7' tall shrub of wet areas.', "7", "OBL", 'Rose, swamp', 'Rosa palustris', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Ruball"] = new Plant("Ruball", [1942,1739,1737], "white", "May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
http://www.uwgb.edu/biodiversity/herbarium/shrubs/ruball01.htm', "2", "FACU+", 'Blackberry, common', 'Rubus allegheniensis', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Rubfla"] = new Plant("Rubfla", [1862,1859], "white", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Low growing with larger black berries than black raspberry.', "3", "FACU-", 'Dewberry, common', 'Rubus flagellaris', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Rubida"] = new Plant("Rubida", [1785,1751], "white", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Thorns finer than those of black raspberry and blackberry.', "3", "FACW-", 'Raspberry, red', 'Rubus idaeus', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Rubocc"] = new Plant("Rubocc", [1749,1746], "white", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
http://www.uwgb.edu/biodiversity/herbarium/shrubs/rubocc01.htm', "2", "", 'Raspberry, black', 'Rubus occidentalis', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Rudhir"] = new Plant("Rudhir", [1590,6390], "yellow", "mid June to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Biennial or short-lived perennial. Shorter (under three feet tall) than sweet black eyed Susan and brown eyed Susan, much hairier, and blooming earlier.', "4", "FACU", 'Black eyed Susan', 'Rudbeckia hirta', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Rudlac"] = new Plant("Rudlac", [7638,6719,6721], "yellow", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
Glabrous (smooth and hairless) and glaucous (milky film) round stem.', "6", "FACW+", 'Golden glow, wild', 'Rudbeckia laciniata', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Rudsub"] = new Plant("Rudsub", [7922,7881,7883], "yellow", "late July to early September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Taller, shorter haired, and later blooming than black eyed Susan, and with lower leaves three-lobed; less branched (mostly singly stalked) and with larger flowers than brown eyed Susan.', "7", "FACU+", 'Coneflower, sweet', 'Rudbeckia subtomentosa', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'Sweet black eyed Susan'); pbc.plants["Rudtri"] = new Plant("Rudtri", [7861,7379], "yellow", "August to mid October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "4", "FAC-", 'Brown eyed Susan', 'Rudbeckia triloba', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Rumcri"] = new Plant("Rumcri", [1700,1702,5809], "green", "June to August", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "", "FAC+", 'Dock, curly', 'Rumex crispus', 'Buckwheat family (Polygonaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Rumorb"] = new Plant("Rumorb", [8076,7996,2647], "green", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Found in the wetlands.', "8", "OBL", 'Dock, great water', 'Rumex orbiculatus', 'Buckwheat family (Polygonaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Saglat"] = new Plant("Saglat", [7850,7853], "white", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Missouri plants
Michigan flora
Semi-aquatic.', "3", "OBL", 'Arrowhead, common', 'Sagittaria latifolia', 'Water Plantain family (Alismataceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Salamy"] = new Plant("Salamy", [1546,1548,1549], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Willow id is apparently treacherous and I haven't examined any flower material on this plant, so this ID could be wrong. On the other hand: leaves and petioles hairless, glandless, stipuless, with networked veins as in the UWGB picture.', "4", "FACW", 'Tree, peach leaved willow', 'Salix amygdaloides', 'Willow family (Salicaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Salbeb"] = new Plant("Salbeb", [862,961,864,959], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
The only Wisconsin willow that grows as a tree with untoothed (or rarely toothed) rugose (veins impressed) leaves.', "7", "FACW+", 'Willow, Bebb's', 'Salix bebbiana', 'Willow family (Salicaceae)', 'beaked willow'); pbc.plants["Salint"] = new Plant("Salint", [1626,1631,9647,9649], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
http://www.uwgb.edu/biodiversity/herbarium/shrubs/salexi01.htm', "2", "OBL", 'Willow, sandbar', 'Salix interior', 'Willow family (Salicaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Samcan"] = new Plant("Samcan", [5945,5990,9122], "white", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Develops bunches of small edible purple berries favored by birds.', "3", "FACW-", 'Elderberry', 'Sambucus canadensis', 'Elderberry family (Caprifoliaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Sancan"] = new Plant("Sancan", [14714,14719,14717], "white", "April to May", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Missouri plants
Flora of North America', "6", "FACU-", 'Bloodroot', 'Sanguinaria canadensis', 'Poppy family (Papaveraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Sanmar"] = new Plant("Sanmar", [2276], "green", "June to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Michigan flora
I was late in identifying this plant, so check back in a year for more pictures.', "5", "", 'Snakeroot, black', 'Sanicula marilandica', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Saxpen"] = new Plant("Saxpen", [526,531], "white", "early May to late June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants', "7", "OBL", 'Saxifrage, swamp', 'Saxifraga pensylvanica', 'Saxifrage family (Saxifragaceae)', 'wild beet'); pbc.plants["Schsco"] = new Plant("Schsco", [9161,8935], "", "mid July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "4", "FACU-", 'Grass, little bluestem', 'Schizachyrium scoparium', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Schtab"] = new Plant("Schtab", [8155,8157], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/plants/mnplant/scva.htm', "4", "OBL", 'Bulrush, soft stem', 'Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', 'great bulrush'); pbc.plants["Sciatr"] = new Plant("Sciatr", [1445,1795,1105], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/plants/mnplant/scat.htm', "3", "OBL", 'Sedge, dark green bulrush', 'Scirpus atrovirens', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Scicyp"] = new Plant("Scicyp", [8216], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/plants/mnplant/sccy.htm', "4", "OBL", 'Wool grass', 'Scirpus cyperinus', 'Sedge family (Cyperaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Scrlan"] = new Plant("Scrlan", [1341,1342,15456], "red", "mid May to early August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Early figwort can be distinguished from late figwort by its yellow (as opposed to purple in late figwort) sterile stamen standing against the back interior of the flower.', "4", "FACU+", 'Figwort, early', 'Scrophularia lanceolata', 'Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Scrmar"] = new Plant("Scrmar", [6491,6492,9683], "red", "July to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Late figwort can be distinguished from early figwort by its purple (as opposed to yellow in early figwort) sterile stamen standing against the back interior of the flower (the top of which is just visible in the closeup image for late figwort at the top of this page, the rest of the stamen being obscured by the dark red of the interior of the petals).', "4", "FACU-", 'Figwort, late', 'Scrophularia marilandica', 'Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Scugal"] = new Plant("Scugal", [1821,1825], "blue", "June to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Michigan flora
Distinguished from mad-dog skullcap by its larger size with larger flowers in pairs from leaf axes (racemes for mad dog), and leaves with very short petioles (stems).', "5", "OBL", 'Skullcap, marsh', 'Scutellaria galericulata', 'Mint family (Lamiaceae)', 'common skullcap'); pbc.plants["Sculat"] = new Plant("Sculat", [8433,2192], "purple", "June to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "5", "OBL", 'Skullcap, blue', 'Scutellaria lateriflora', 'Mint family (Lamiaceae)', 'mad dog skullcap'); pbc.plants["Scupar"] = new Plant("Scupar", [67127,67133], "purple", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
Minnesota wildflowers
Missouri plants', "7", "", 'Skullcap, Leonard's small', 'Scutellaria parvula', 'Mint family (Lamiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Setfab"] = new Plant("Setfab", [8488], "", "", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Annual', "", "FACU+", 'Grass, giant foxtail', 'Setaria faberi', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Setpum"] = new Plant("Setpum", [8266], "", "June to October", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Annual', "", "FAC", 'Grass, yellow foxtail', 'Setaria pumila', 'Grass', ''); pbc.plants["Silste"] = new Plant("Silste", [1882,7163,7164], "white", "early June to mid August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "7", "", 'Campion, starry', 'Silene stellata', 'Pink family (Caryophyllaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Silvul"] = new Plant("Silvul", [5669,5671,1036], "white", "May to early October", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Found throughout.', "", "", 'Campion, bladder', 'Silene vulgaris', 'Pink family (Caryophyllaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Silint"] = new Plant("Silint", [7180,7232], "yellow", "late June to early September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "6", "", 'Rosinweed', 'Silphium integrifolium', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Sillac"] = new Plant("Sillac", [4301,5715], "yellow", "late July to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "8", "", 'Compass plant', 'Silphium laciniatum', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Silper"] = new Plant("Silper", [7480,7536,5888], "yellow", "July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Leaves forms \"cups\" around the stem that are often filled with water.', "4", "FACW-", 'Cup plant', 'Silphium perfoliatum', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Silter"] = new Plant("Silter", [5525,7413,7416], "yellow", "July to early September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "7", "FACU", 'Prairie dock', 'Silphium terebinthinaceum', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Sinarv"] = new Plant("Sinarv", [10386,10391,10392], "yellow", "May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
An(other) annual mustard found in disturbed areas; infrequent at Pheasant Branch.', "", "", 'Mustard, charlock', 'Sinapis arvensis', 'Mustard family (Brassicaceae)', 'California rape'); pbc.plants["Sisalt"] = new Plant("Sisalt", [1611,1613,1614,1804], "yellow", "May to September", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Annual or biennial; stem glabrous except for widely spaced hairs, leaves with thin fingers (pinnatifid), blooms developing into many long (up to 5\") siliques (seedpods) as in the last photo.', "", "FACU", 'Mustard, tall tumble', 'Sisymbrium altissimum', 'Mustard family (Brassicaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Sisoff"] = new Plant("Sisoff", [9665,1201], "yellow", "May to September", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Annual. Long narrow seedpods (siliques) run along the stem below the flowers.', "", "", 'Mustard, hedge', 'Sisymbrium officinale', 'Mustard family (Brassicaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Siscam"] = new Plant("Siscam", [232,205], "blue", "early May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Not actually a grass (a member of the Iris family).', "7", "", 'Blue-eyed grass, prairie', 'Sisyrinchium campestre', 'Iris family (Iridaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Smirac"] = new Plant("Smirac", [5776,9306], "white", "May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "5", "FACU", 'Solomon's plume', 'Smilacina racemosa', 'Lily family (Liliaceae)', 'false Solomon's seal'); pbc.plants["Smiste"] = new Plant("Smiste", [845,846,781], "white", "early May to mid June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=242101760', "5", "FAC-", 'Solomon's seal, starry false', 'Smilacina stellata', 'Lily family (Liliaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Smihis"] = new Plant("Smihis", [757,755,1054], "green", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Flora of North America', "5", "FAC", 'Greenbrier, bristly', 'Smilax hispida', 'Lily family (Liliaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Smilas"] = new Plant("Smilas", [1288,1290,9387,10444,5832], "white", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Michigan flora
Distinguished by the otherwise similar smooth carrion flower (Smilax herbacea) by minutely hairy leaf undersides (at least along the veins).', "4", "", 'Carrion flower', 'Smilax lasioneura', 'Greenbrier family (Smilacaceae)', 'Hairy carrion flower'); pbc.plants["Soldul"] = new Plant("Soldul", [1920,5896], "purple", "May to September", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Missouri plants
A poisonous vine usually found in shady or damp locations.', "", "FAC", 'Nightshade, deadly', 'Solanum dulcamara', 'Nightshade family (Solanaceae)', 'bittersweet, bittersweet nightshade'); pbc.plants["Solpty"] = new Plant("Solpty", [21183,21185,2772], "white", "June to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
An annual usually found in disturbed areas.', "1", "FACU-", 'Nightshade, black', 'Solanum ptycanthum', 'Nightshade family (Solanaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Solcan"] = new Plant("Solcan", [7434,7433,68614], "yellow", "mid July to late September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Native but weedy.
Leaves 3-veined, stems rough-haired; typically taller than similar looking goldenrods (to six feet).', "1", "FACU", 'Goldenrod, Canadian', 'Solidago canadensis', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'common goldenrod'); pbc.plants["Solfle"] = new Plant("Solfle", [77980,77983], "yellow", "August to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Missouri plants
Flora of North America', "6", "FACU", 'Goldenrod, zig-zag', 'Solidago flexicaulis', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Solgig"] = new Plant("Solgig", [8061,8063], "yellow", "late July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Stems smooth, leaves toothed and three veined.', "3", "FACW", 'Goldenrod, late', 'Solidago gigantea', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'smooth goldenrod, giant goldenrod'); pbc.plants["Solnem"] = new Plant("Solnem", [8867,8864], "yellow", "mid August to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "4", "", 'Goldenrod, old field', 'Solidago nemoralis', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'gray goldenrod'); pbc.plants["Solpta"] = new Plant("Solpta", [8732,8733,8738], "white", "late July to late September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Long classified as an aster until it was discovered that this plant sometimes hybridizes with other Solidagos (goldenrods), but never with asters.', "8", "", 'Goldenrod, upland white', 'Solidago ptarmicoides', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Solrid"] = new Plant("Solrid", [8918,8920], "yellow", "early August to late September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Distinctive clasping leaves.', "7", "OBL", 'Goldenrod, Riddel's', 'Solidago riddellii', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Solspe"] = new Plant("Solspe", [8474,8475], "yellow", "late July to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "5", "", 'Goldenrod, showy', 'Solidago speciosa', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Solulm"] = new Plant("Solulm", [78000,77963,77977], "yellow", "July to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Flora of North America', "5", "", 'Goldenrod, elm-leaved', 'Solidago ulmifolia', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Sonasp"] = new Plant("Sonasp", [1721,1723,1722], "yellow", "July to October", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Annual from a taproot. Note the rounded leaf auricles distinguishing it from common sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus), our other annual sow thistle.', "", "FAC", 'Sow thistle, prickly', 'Sonchus asper', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Sornut"] = new Plant("Sornut", [7750,7508], "", "late July to mid October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "5", "FACU+", 'Grass, Indian', 'Sorghastrum nutans', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Spaeur"] = new Plant("Spaeur", [1509,1511,1840,1844,1846], "", "June to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Note the two stigmas, distinguishing this bur reed from all others in Wisconsin. Staminate flowers above pistillate. Leaves strongly keeled.', "5", "OBL", 'Bur reed, common', 'Sparganium eurycarpum', 'Bur reed family (Sparganiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Spapec"] = new Plant("Spapec", [8456,7586,1800], "", "July to early September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "5", "FACW+", 'Grass, prairie cord', 'Spartina pectinata', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Spialb"] = new Plant("Spialb", [30351,30352], "white", "June to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
Minnesota wildflowers
Uncommon, as far as I know, at Pheasant Branch.', "4", "FACW+", 'White Meadowsweet', 'Spiraea alba', 'Rose family (Rosaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Spohet"] = new Plant("Spohet", [8295,7966], "", "August to early September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "10", "FACU-", 'Grass, prairie dropseed', 'Sporobolus heterolepis', 'Grass family (Poaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Stapal"] = new Plant("Stapal", [6227,6233], "purple", "late June to early September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "5", "OBL", 'Hedge nettle', 'Stachys palustris', 'Mint family (Lamiaceae)', 'hairy hedge nettle'); pbc.plants["Steaqu"] = new Plant("Steaqu", [1223], "white", "May to October", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Petals longer than sepals.', "", "FAC+", 'Chickweed, giant', 'Stellaria aquatica', 'Pink family (Caryophyllaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Stelon"] = new Plant("Stelon", [825,827], "white", "May to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers', "5", "FACW+", 'Stitchwort, long-leaved', 'Stellaria longifolia', 'Pink family (Caryophyllaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Symdru"] = new Plant("Symdru", [9154,8685,9167], "purple", "September to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
Very similar in appearance to arrow leaved aster. Fortunately at PB (but not in general) the two can be distinguished by flower color: arrow leaved aster has white flowers and Drummond\'s aster has lavender flowers. Both have lower leaves heart shaped with winged petioles (leaf stems), but the leaves of arrow leaved aster tend to become relatively narrower up the stem while those of Drummond\'s aster tend to maintain their proportions. The leaves of Drummond\'s aster have a \"fuzzy\" underside while those of narrow leaved aster have sparser rougher hairs. Drummond\'s aster also has a hairy stem, at least in the upper portion, while arrow leaved aster has a smooth stem throughout (or is very lightly hairy in the upper portion).', "4", "", 'Aster, Drummond's', 'Symphyotrichum drummondii', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'Aster Drummondii, Aster sagittifolius var. drummondii'); pbc.plants["Symeri"] = new Plant("Symeri", [9148,9358], "white", "late August to late October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Leaves visible at flowering time are mostly about the size and shape of those visible in the pictures.
Frost aster is roughly similar to heath aster, but frost aster is typically larger, with larger flower heads, larger lower leaves, longer arching branches, and a rougher appearance.', "4", "FACU-", 'Aster, heath', 'Symphyotrichum ericoides', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'Aster ericoides'); pbc.plants["Symfir"] = new Plant("Symfir", [8895,8896,8898], "purple", "late August to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Found in the wetlands, not the planted prairies.
Note that Illinois Wildflowers treats Aster firmus as a subspecies of Aster puniceus (swamp aster).', "6", "FACW+", 'Aster, shining', 'Symphyotrichum firmum', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'Aster firmus'); pbc.plants["Symlae"] = new Plant("Symlae", [9189,9360], "purple", "late July to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Leaves smooth, stalkless; \"ears\" of the leaf base wrapping the hairless stem.', "6", "", 'Aster, smooth blue', 'Symphyotrichum laeve', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'Aster laevis'); pbc.plants["Symlat"] = new Plant("Symlat", [9566,9236], "white", "late July to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora', "3", "FACW-", 'Aster, calico', 'Symphyotrichum lateriflorum', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'side flowering aster, Aster lateriflorus'); pbc.plants["Symnov"] = new Plant("Symnov", [9095,8525,8526,8754], "purple", "late August to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Crowded hairy stemless leaves with base \"ears\" that wrap the hairy stem.', "3", "FACW", 'Aster, New England', 'Symphyotrichum novae-angliae', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Symool"] = new Plant("Symool", [9212,8746,8750], "blue", "mid August to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Basal leaves untoothed on winged petioles.', "5", "", 'Aster, sky blue', 'Symphyotrichum oolentangiense', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'azure aster, prairie heart leaved aster, Aster azureus'); pbc.plants["Sympil"] = new Plant("Sympil", [9708,9706,9709], "white", "late August to mid October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
All of the flowers in the central part of the last photo are on horizontal stems off of the main vertical stem that runs along the right side of the photo.
Frost aster is roughly similar to heath aster, but frost aster is typically larger, with larger flower heads, larger lower leaves, longer arching branches, and a rougher appearance.', "1", "FACU+", 'Aster, frost', 'Symphyotrichum pilosum', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'awl aster, hairy aster, Aster pilosus'); pbc.plants["Symser"] = new Plant("Symser", [78398,2753,2751], "purple", "mid August to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Missouri plants
Flora of North America', "8", "", 'Aster, silky', 'Symphyotrichum sericeum', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'Aster sericeus'); pbc.plants["Symuro"] = new Plant("Symuro", [9185,9182], "white", "mid August to late October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Very similar in appearance to Drummond\'s aster. Fortunately at PB (but not in general) the two can be distinguished by flower color: arrow leaved aster has white flowers and Drummond\'s aster has lavender flowers. Both have lower leaves heart shaped with winged petioles (leaf stems), but the leaves of arrow leaved aster tend to become relatively narrower up the stem while those of Drummond\'s aster tend to maintain their general proportions. The leaves of Drummond\'s aster have a \"fuzzy\" underside while those of narrow leaved aster have sparser rougher hairs. Drummond\'s aster also has a hairy stem, at least in the upper portion, while arrow leaved aster has a smooth stem throughout (or is very lightly hairy in the upper portion).', "3", "", 'Aster, arrow leaved', 'Symphyotrichum urophyllum', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'Aster sagittifolius'); pbc.plants["Tanvul"] = new Plant("Tanvul", [47059,47060,47061], "yellow", "August to October", "invasive -- consider control", ":::: Restricted in Wisconsin ::::", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Missouri plants
Listed as a restricted invasive in Wisconsin.', "", "", 'Common tansy', 'Tanacetum vulgare', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Taroff"] = new Plant("Taroff", [14979,14981,15026,14929], "yellow", "April to ", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=220013281', "", "FACU", 'Dandelion', 'Taraxacum officinale', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Teucan"] = new Plant("Teucan", [8119,8045], "purple", "early June to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "4", "FACW-", 'Germander, American', 'Teucrium canadense', 'Mint family (Lamiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Thadas"] = new Plant("Thadas", [6066,6067,6068], "white", "early June to mid July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
Illinois wildflowers
Tall meadow rue is dioecious, meaning it produces male and female flowers on different plants; the plant pictured above is male.', "4", "FACW-", 'Meadow rue, tall', 'Thalictrum dasycarpum', 'Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Thepal"] = new Plant("Thepal", [2158,1492], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Stems not clumped (growing along a rhizome), leaves with forked veins.', "7", "", 'Fern, marsh', 'Thelypteris palustris', 'Beech Fern family (Thelypteridaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Torjap"] = new Plant("Torjap", [1729,1732], "white", "", "invasive -- consider control", ":::: Prohibited in Wisconsin ::::", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Missouri plants
An annual from a taproot. Known at Pheasant Branch from one location.', "", "", 'Hedge parsley, Japanese', 'Torilis japonica', 'Carrot family (Apiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Toxrad"] = new Plant("Toxrad", [5903,5901,6254], "green", "June to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Form variable from ground cover to bush to climbing vine; leaf form also variable, but leaflets always come in threes; petioles of the two non-terminal leaflets are very short.
Young boxelder is a look alike, but boxelder is opposite while poison ivy is alternate.', "4", "FAC+", 'Poison Ivy', 'Toxicodendron radicans', 'Cashew family (Anacardiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Traohi"] = new Plant("Traohi", [5640,5699,10411], "purple", "late May to early August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "5", "FACU+", 'Spiderwort, common', 'Tradescantia ohiensis', 'Dayflower family (Commelinaceae)', 'Ohio spiderwort'); pbc.plants["Trapra"] = new Plant("Trapra", [5637,1206,6348], "yellow", "May to August", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Biennial.', "", "", 'Goat's beard', 'Tragopogon pratensis', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Tripra"] = new Plant("Tripra", [1317,5602], "pink", "May to September", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
A common weed.', "", "", 'Clover, red', 'Trifolium pratense', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Trirep"] = new Plant("Trirep", [1333,5770], "white", "June to August", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
A common weed (often found in lawns).', "", "", 'Clover, white', 'Trifolium repens', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Triper"] = new Plant("Triper", [9422,1061,1062], "red", "May to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Distinguished from early horse gentian by its opposite leaves joined together at the stem (at least the lower leaves).', "5", "", 'Horse gentian, late', 'Triosteum perfoliatum', 'Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Typang"] = new Plant("Typang", [1618,1621], "", "", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Leaves less than 1/2\" wide, male and female spikes seperated by >1/2\" to several inches.', "", "OBL", 'Cat tail, narrow leaved', 'Typha angustifolia', 'Cattail family (Typhaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Typlat"] = new Plant("Typlat", [1632,1489], "", "May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Staminate (male) spike above pistillate (female) spike with less than 1/2\" in between, leaves up to 1\" wide.', "1", "OBL", 'Cat tail, common', 'Typha latifolia', 'Cattail family (Typhaceae)', 'broad-leaved cat tail'); pbc.plants["Ulmame"] = new Plant("Ulmame", [9497,9498], "", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
There are no mature American elms in the county portion of the conservancy.', "3", "FACW-", 'Tree, American elm', 'Ulmus americana', 'Elm family (Ulmaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Urtgra"] = new Plant("Urtgra", [5984,6707], "white", "June to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "1", "FAC+", 'Nettle, slender', 'Urtica gracilis', 'Nettle family (Urticaceae)', 'stinging nettle'); pbc.plants["Vertha"] = new Plant("Vertha", [1872,6413], "yellow", "June to October", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Biennial; can be invasive in disturbed sites, but is eventually crowded out.', "", "", 'Mullein', 'Verbascum thapsus', 'Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae)', 'wooly mullein, great mullein'); pbc.plants["Verbra"] = new Plant("Verbra", [54292,54293], "purple", "May to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Michigan flora
Minnesota wildflowers
An annual or short-lived perennial, uncommon at Pheasant Branch in my experience, this one found growing at the edge of a gravel trail.', "0", "FACU", 'Creeping vervain', 'Verbena bracteata', 'Vervain family (Verbenaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Verhas"] = new Plant("Verhas", [6984,6986], "purple", "late June to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "3", "FACW+", 'Vervain, blue', 'Verbena hastata', 'Vervain family (Verbenaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Verstr"] = new Plant("Verstr", [6816,7015], "purple", "late June to early October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "3", "", 'Vervain, hoary', 'Verbena stricta', 'Vervain family (Verbenaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Verurt"] = new Plant("Verurt", [7119,7120], "white", "July to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "2", "FAC+", 'Vervain, white', 'Verbena urticifolia', 'Vervain family (Verbenaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Verfas"] = new Plant("Verfas", [7256,7257], "purple", "mid July to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
', "5", "FACW", 'Ironweed', 'Vernonia fasciculata', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', 'smooth ironweed, common ironweed'); pbc.plants["Verper"] = new Plant("Verper", [47683,47684,47715], "white", "May to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Missouri plants
An annual weed.', "0", "FACW+", 'Speedwell, purslane', 'Veronica peregrina', 'Plantain family (Plantaginaceae)', 'neckweed'); pbc.plants["Verser"] = new Plant("Verser", [69990,69985,69994], "white", "May to September", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Missouri plants
This is the non-native subspecies serpyllifolia, with mostly white flowers; the native subspecies humifusa has flowers a deeper blue color (not known at Pheasant Branch). (Also, according to Minnesota Wildflowers, all Veronica species were recently moved from the Scrophulariaceae family to Plantaginaceae.)', "", "FACW", 'Speedwell, thyme-leaved', 'Veronica serpyllifolia', 'Plantain family (Plantaginaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Vervir"] = new Plant("Vervir", [6748,6752], "white", "late June to August", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Whorled leaves (arranged in a circle around the stem).', "6", "FAC", 'Culver's root', 'Veronicastrum virginicum', 'Snapdragon family (Scrophulariaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Viblan"] = new Plant("Viblan", [2132,2131,21452], "white", "", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Actually a shrub, not a tree. Older stems are smooth (not visible in the pictures above).', "", "", 'Wayfaring tree', 'Viburnum lantana', 'Elderberry family (Caprifoliaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Viblen"] = new Plant("Viblen", [27844,1830,1835,24528], "white", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Leaves pinnately veined, with more cross veins toward the margins and with corrugated/wavy petioles.', "4", "FAC+", 'Nannyberry', 'Viburnum lentago', 'Elderberry family (Caprifoliaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Vibopu"] = new Plant("Vibopu", [5591,5587,8804,5425], "white", "May to June", " ", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Note the glands at the base of the leaf stalk - in the Pheasant Branch specimens their tops are concave-saucer shaped, which marks the plants as either the sole (non-native) variety of the species Viburnum opulus or the European variety of the species Viburnum opulus which also includes a native variety americanum with glands that are club shaped (sometimes referred to as Viburnum trilobum), depending on who you ask.', "", "FACW", 'Cranberry, high bush', 'Viburnum opulus', 'Elderberry family (Caprifoliaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Vicsat"] = new Plant("Vicsat", [6744,1354,10450], "purple", "July to September", "potentially invasive", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Minnesota wildflowers
Michigan flora
Annual; 1/4\" stipules at the bases of the leaves with a purple spot underneath; flowers stalkless.', "", "FACU-", 'Vetch, common', 'Vicia sativa', 'Bean family (Fabaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Vinmin"] = new Plant("Vinmin", [27290,27289], "purple", "April to May", "invasive -- consider control", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Michigan flora
An introduced creeping groundcover. Currently only known from one location.', "", "", 'Periwinkle', 'Vinca minor', 'Dogbane family (Apocyanceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Viopez"] = new Plant("Viopez", [47,111,225,228], "purple", "late April to mid June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Petals not bearded (cf. prairie violet).', "7", "UPL", 'Violet, bird's foot', 'Viola pedata', 'Violet family (Violaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Vioped"] = new Plant("Vioped", [9992,98], "purple", "late April to early June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Minnesota wildflowers
The lower side petals have a hairy \"beard\" along the throat.', "9", "FACU-", 'Violet, prairie', 'Viola pedatifida', 'Violet family (Violaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Viopub"] = new Plant("Viopub", [126], "yellow", "April to June", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers', "5", "FACU-", 'Violet, yellow', 'Viola pubescens', 'Violet family (Violaceae)', 'yellow forest violet'); pbc.plants["Viosor"] = new Plant("Viosor", [14690,343], "blue", "April to October", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
The state flower of Wisconsin.', "3", "FAC-", 'Violet, common blue', 'Viola sororia', 'Violet family (Violaceae)', 'door-yard violet, hairy wood violet'); pbc.plants["Vitrip"] = new Plant("Vitrip", [1023,2050,6321], "green", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
A sprawling or climbing tendriled vine.', "2", "FACW-", 'Grape, frost', 'Vitis riparia', 'Grape family (Vitaceae)', 'river bank grape'); pbc.plants["Xanstr"] = new Plant("Xanstr", [9635,9636,9637], "green", "August to September", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
A summer annual, uncommon at Pheasant Branch.', "1", "FAC", 'Cocklebur, common', 'Xanthium strumarium', 'Aster family (Asteraceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Zaname"] = new Plant("Zaname", [9499,9503], "green", "", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Native but can be aggressively clonal.', "3", "", 'Prickly ash', 'Zanthoxylum americanum', 'Citrus family (Rutaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Zizapt"] = new Plant("Zizapt", [636,639,641], "yellow", "early May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Rare on the hill.', "9", "FACU", 'Golden alexanders, heart leaved', 'Zizia aptera', 'Carrot family (Apiaceae)', ''); pbc.plants["Zizaur"] = new Plant("Zizaur", [15275,643,645,5335], "yellow", "early May to July", "", "", 'Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Found in the prairies and on the hill.', "7", "FAC+", 'Golden alexanders', 'Zizia aurea', 'Carrot family (Apiaceae)', ''); $(document).ready(function() { $("#closeups_box, #blooms_box, #invasive_box").prop("checked", false); $("#bloom_radio_date_option").prop("checked", true); $("#select_form_common").prop("selected", true); $("#site_notes_button").on("click", function() { var button_img = $("#site_notes_img"); var currently_collapsed = (button_img.attr("src").lastIndexOf('up.png') === -1) ? true : false; if (currently_collapsed) { $("#site_notes_content").show(); button_img.attr("src", "up.png"); } else { $("#site_notes_content").hide(); button_img.attr("src", "down.png"); } }); // Generate the initial load - only fill in all of the missing controls // if we get a successful response. var initial_load_function = function(dom) { // We fill in most of the fully loaded page here since until we get the // plant list, nothing else is going to work. $("#closeups_title, #closeups_div, #plant_list_title, " + "#select_form_div, #footer_wrap").show(); $("#blooms_loading, #inner_blooms_div").hide(); $("#inner_closeups_div").on("click", "span.link_text", function() { var short_latin = this.id.slice(0,-8); handle_plant_click(short_latin, "expand", "jump"); return false; }); $("#closeups_box").on("click", closeups_oncheck_function); $("#open_checks").on("click", open_checked_closeups); $("#clear_checkboxes").on("click", clear_closeup_checks); $("#plant_list_div").on("click", "span.expand_collapse", function() { var short_latin = this.id.slice(0, -3); handle_plant_click(short_latin, "switch"); return false; }); $("#blooms_body").on("click", "span.anchor_link", function() { var short_latin = this.id.slice(0, -4); handle_plant_click(short_latin, "expand", "jump"); return false; }); $("#blooms_box").on("click", blooms_oncheck_function); $("input[name=bloom_order]").on("click", bloom_function); $("#bloom_open_checks").on("click", open_checked_blooms); $("#bloom_clear_checks").on("click", clear_bloom_checks); var mql = window.matchMedia("(min-width: 800px)"); var mqHandler = function (mql) { if (mql.matches) { $("#bloom_table_div").show(); } else { $("#bloom_table_div").hide(); } }; mql.addListener(mqHandler); mqHandler(mql); $("#sort_value").on("change", function() { var sort_value = $("#sort_value").val(); var query_data = { "sort" : sort_value }; if (box_is_checked("invasive_box")) { query_data["invasive"] = "true"; } set_loading("plant_list_loading"); request_ajax_data(query_data, get_open_list_plants()); }); //// Fill in the plant list data. ajax_handler()(dom); clear_timer("initial_plant_list_loading"); //// Bottom bar stuff. ////// collapse $("#collapse_text").on("click", collapse_all_function); $("#invasive_box").on("click", invasive_onclick_handler); $("#goto_closeups").on("click", function() { scroll_to_element("closeups_title") }); $("#goto_list").on("click", function() { scroll_to_element("plant_list_title"); }); $("#goto_table").on("click", function() { scroll_to_element("bloom_table_div"); }); $("#goto_links").on("click", function() { scroll_to_element("links_div"); }); //// If the initial location included an anchor, jump and open it. var search = location.search; if (search && search.slice(0, 7) === '?plant=') { search_plants = search.slice(7); var search_plants_array = search_plants.split(','); // Only keep the first 25. search_plants_array = search_plants_array.slice(0, 25); open_maybe_plants(search_plants_array); } }; // end initial_load_function // Set loading divs while we fetch the initial data. set_loading("initial_plant_list_loading", "Loading plant list"); // Request the initial plant list. $.ajax({ url: "pbc_flora_ajax.php", data: { "new" : "true", "sort" : "common" }, type: "GET", dataType: "xml", }) .done(initial_load_function) .fail(function() { alert("The request for plant data failed; you can try reloading the " + "page or trying again at a later time. If the problem persists " + "please email pbcflora@gmail.com."); }); }); // end document DOM ready })();