MAY 11 @ 8:30AM–10:00AM
Active senior adults are invited to join Robert Schubert, land manager for the Friends of Pheasant Branch Conservancy, as he shares how fire— which was once common across southern Wisconsin— is used to manage historic habitats for diverse native plants and animals.
Walk with Robert to observe and compare burned and unburned areas of the conservancy, and learn why the decision to burn at all, as well as the timing and frequency of prescribed fire, are important management considerations.
Participants may park at the county parking lot at 4864 Pheasant Branch Road and follow the gravel path to the original homesite. We will meet near the large green trailer.
Presentations will be shared along a walk of about a half mile.
Registration is required and limited to 20 participants. We will keep a waitlist.
CANCELATION POLICY: We will proceed unless there is heavy rain, lightning or thunder. You will be notified by email if we need to cancel the event.
# A limited number of assistive hearing devices will be available
# Dress for the weather and protection from the sun, and for walking
# Bring a water bottle, binoculars and/or hiking poles, if desired
Please email our Education Coordinator, Cayla Matte, at if you have any questions or need to change your registration.