Wetland Restoration T-Shirt

The Friends of Pheasant Branch Conservancy are offering a t-shirt with an illustration of a Blanding's Turtle (Emydoidea blandingiialong with The Friends' logo on the sleeve.

Blandings Turtles are pretty special. This species was formerly listed as Threatened in Wisconsin and had declined due to habitat loss and poaching. Long-lived, Blanding's turtles may take up to 20 years to reach maturity! 

Living in wetlands but needing upland areas nearby for laying eggs, Blanding' turtles need different types of habitats to complete their life cycle. At Pheasant Branch Conservancy they live in sedge meadow areas, over-winter in areas with open water, and nest on Fredericks Hill and Bock Prairie. Maintaing this diversity of natural communities is what provides crucial habitat for Blanding's turtles and many other species at PBC. 

The Pheasant Branch Conservancy is an important place and we want to bring more attention to some of the unique species that rely on the natural communities found here. Without the stewardship efforts of the Friends of Pheasant Branch Conservancy and its partners, much needed habitat for these unique species would be lost. Showing your support of Blanding's turtles and FOPBC allows us to continue our work to protect, restore, and promote the Pheasant Branch Conservancy! 

 Shirts are $30+shipping and 100% of proceeds go directly toward wetland restoration in Pheasant Branch Conservancy, supporting efforts such as invasive species management and prescribed burns.

Order Form

All  orders have $5.50 per shirt added for shipping. Shirts will be sent USPS weekly.

Thanks for supporting Wetland Restoration in the Conservancy!

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