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Board of Directors Meeting

Kromrey Middle School Room 600 7009 Donna Drive, Middleton, WI, United States

All FOPBC members are welcome to attend the meetings of the board of directors. Meetings are generally held the third Monday of each month at 5:00 PM at Kromrey Middle School room 600, entrance at door...

Conservancy Day: Remembering Rachel

Kromrey Middle School Room 510 7009 Donna Drive, Middleton, WI, United States

In 1958, Bette Duff had a memorable summer job between her junior and senior year in college.  She assisted Rachel Carson who was gathering information for her upcoming book about the dangers of pesticides. After...

Restoration Work Day

Virtual Event The instructor will send along a Zoom link two days in advance., WI

Our 2019 plan for workdays has changed. We are planning two “regular” workdays in April, May, September and October. They are planned for the first and third Saturdays. This better coincides with typical workload needs...

Board of Directors Meeting

Kromrey Middle School Room 600 7009 Donna Drive, Middleton, WI, United States

All FOPBC members are welcome to attend the meetings of the board of directors. Meetings are generally held the third Monday of each month at 5:00 PM at Kromrey Middle School room 600, entrance at door...

Dinner Lecture: The Virtues of Natural Land Management

Holy Wisdom Monastery 4200 County Road M, Middleton, WI

We are partnering with the Friends of Wisdom Prairie to offer this dinner and panel discussion on the Virtues of Natural Land Management.  More information or registration, click here. Please register by April 9, 2019....


Conservancy Day: Effigy mounds of the PBC

Virtual Event The instructor will send along a Zoom link two days in advance., WI

Every Conservancy Day is free, open to the public, for all ages and has diverse topics.

Bock Prairie Workday

Bock Community Garden 5606 Highland Way, Middleton, WI

Join in tending the new prairies at the John C. Bock Community Forest, just off Highland Way. The prairies are a great example of high quality restoration on public lands. We'll meet at the garden...

2019 National Trails Day

Pheasant Branch Creek Corridor Middleton, WI

Middleton experienced a significant flood event in August 2018 that impacted much of the trail system. A major area of devastation included the Pheasant Branch Creek Corridor between Parmenter Street and Century Avenue. Join city...

Tunes on Tuesday

Orchid Heights Park 3960 Valley Ridge Rd, Middleton, WI

Join your neighbors in an evening stroll through the northern part of the Conservancy while enjoying acoustic music played by local musicians. No RSVP needed, but please check our facebook page for cancellation notification if...

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