Christopher Kilgour | “Color in the Outdoors”
Christopher Kilgour is the founder of Color in the Outdoors, an organization dedicated to making the outdoors more accessible to marginalized communities. BIPOC and LGBTQ+ folks, and individuals with different abilities have been actively and passively excluded from natural spaces. Color in the Outdoors seeks to actively include everyone in the outdoors – from wilderness adventures to exploring nature in the backyard.
Christopher just completed his tenure as Tribal Programs Manager with UW-Madison’s Information Technology Academy and will soon be joining the Nelson Institute as their Outreach Manager.
You’ll often find Christopher appreciating the outdoors: hiking, hunting, fishing, camping, skiing, foraging, kayaking… and always inviting others to join him.
The 2023 Annual meeting will be held virtually on Zoom January 7, at 9am. Registration is free and open to all members.