Our August Conservancy Day cancelled due to the coronavirus situation in Dane County.
Please consider attending a talk sponsored by Madison Audubon on Dragonflies and Damselflies being held live on Facebook on Tuesday evening, August 18, at 7:00 pm as an alternative.
You can learn about the wide diversity and amazing lifestyle of dragon- and damselflies with Dan Jackson. Dan will share the life cycle of these creatures, most common species in southern Wisconsin, and some fascinating tidbits about these ferocious predators.
Dan is a naturalist and a past President and the current Treasurer of both the Wisconsin Dragonfly Society and the Coulee Region Audubon Society. He grew up near LaCrosse and has lived in southwest Wisconsin for 25 years. He is a record reviewer for the Wisconsin Odonata Survey, BugGuide.net, Odonata Central (the Odonata survey of the Dragonfly Society of the Americas), and eBird.
Evenings with Audubon presentations are typically held in person during spring and fall, but they are bringing it to you online this year! To tune in live, visit Madison Audubon’s Facebook page on August 18, 7:00pm and wait for the live feed to start. Can’t attend live? No worries, they will post a link to the recording on their website afterwards.