Watershed Advocacy

The Friends of Pheasant Branch Conservancy is the only group dedicated to understanding, supporting and advocating for the Pheasant Branch Watershed as a whole. In 2013 the Friends created a Watershed Committee to collaborate with and assist public and private partners (such as the Clean Lakes Alliance, Dane County and the City of Middleton) in addressing watershed issues. In 2014 the committee spearheaded a successful referendum campaign to create a stormwater utility for the City of Middleton.  We continue to work with our partners to:

  • Improve the water quality of Pheasant Branch Creek, Lake Mendota and the Yahara Chain of Lakes;
  • Protect the natural resource value of land in the Pheasant Branch Watershed;
  • Increase awareness and promote understanding of the Pheasant Branch Watershed through a variety of communication tools.

water monitorsWatershed Committee members are actively involved in:

  • Working with the City of Middleton on efforts to restore the Pheasant Branch Creek stream corridor following the devastating flood of 2018. Committee members have assisted the city with flood damage assessment; evaluation of consultant and contractor RFP’s and proposals; and review of draft master plans for streambank restoration and bridge and trail reconstruction.
  • Working with Dane County on restoration of the Acker property. Committee members monitor runoff from the site to determine if water quality improvements can be measured from the conversion of the cropland cover to prairie vegetation.
  • Working with the Rock River Coalition’s Citizen Monitoring Program from May through October to monitor Pheasant Branch Creek at 3 locations for phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, water clarity and water temperature.
  • Working with Dane County, the Clean Lakes Alliance and the City of Middleton to promote phosphorus and nutrient reduction initiatives such as the “Leaf Free Streets” and “Salt Wise” campaigns. These efforts work to reduce the amount of algae-producing phosphorus and other pollutants that flow through Pheasant Branch Creek and into Lake Mendota.
  • Assisting other Friends committees (Education, Restoration and Management) through educational programs about the watershed.

Watershed News

  • Clean Lakes Alliance Logo

    In their latest Lake-O-Gram, Clean Lakes Alliance joins a strong community backing of Voting Yes for the City of Middleton stormwater referendum on the November 5 ballot for City residents.  Read the newsletter here.

  • Stormwater utility fee increase will address issues like flooding

    Confluence Pond west of Beltline – Flood in 2018 (adapted from: Middleton drone footage) Article by: Herb Garn, Watershed Committee Co-Chair In 2014, the Friends supported and campaigned for a referendum creating the City of Middleton’s Stormwater Utility, permitting the utility to charge an annual fee of $15 per equivalent runoff unit (ERU)* for maintenance

  • Map of Belle Fontaine

    Beautiful spring (or fountain) is one translation of “Belle Fontaine” from French. Locally, it was the name given to what we now call Frederick’s Springs, or Pheasant Branch Springs, in the Conservancy. These springs have enhanced human habitation in what is now Middleton for thousands of years. New residential development centered on Belle Fontaine Boulevard

  • On March 11th, 2023, the third 40 acre quadrant of the 160 acre addition on the north side of Pheasant Branch Conservancy was seeded by Dane County Parks. Concerned about disappearing snow and a desire to seed this quadrant with snow on the ground, DCPs decided to disperse the Platinum Prairie seed mix once again.

  • Started in 2021, the Friends of Pheasant Branch Frog & Toad Survey monitors amphibian populations within the conservancy from approximately April 1st to August 1st. The basic survey process involves monitoring a designated site 1-2 times weekly after sunset, listening for and documenting the calls and conditions observed. Recording frog & toad behavior over time

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